Re: Upcoming Changes @ KeelyNet

Fri, 05 Mar 1999 22:39:50 -0800

Hi Jerry:
I presume you are having problems with your transition, but I would
like to mention I have not gotten any postings for over a week now

Best Regards
Larry Sullivan
Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> It's that time of year again where we have to renew the website and
> Internet support.
> For the past 3 years, KeelyNet has been virtually hosted by at
> about $650.00 per year. It has always seemed expensive and I can't
> understand how long standing (in Internet terms) don't earn some kind of
> price break or radical increase in service at such rates. In addition,
> I've always made it a point to make a one time yearly payment.
> Flashnet doesn't seem interested in keeping their good customers so it's
> time to move on. In doing some searches I found a marvelous web hosting
> service located in Houston called DigitalSea. They are located at
> and have the most incredible prices I've yet
> seen.
> Please do check it out and if you are planning to setup your own
> website, you will be blown away by their $19.95 per month price for
> 300MB with 25 emails. Check out the price/service comparison table on
> on the HOSTING page.
> You see, after checking many websites when I first came to the Internet,
> I realized KeelyNet had to have its own name recognition, that is not be
> a subset of another site, as in
> Don't get me wrong, Bill is a great guy, a long time friend (he was on
> the KeelyNet BBS for several years before KeelyNet ever came to the web,
> in fact, Bill is the one who twisted my arm to induce me to close the
> BBS to migrate to the web back in 1995) and Bill has a fabulous,
> informative site. He also operates two of the hottest discussion lists
> around; freenrg and vortex.
> Because his site is a subset of, it is difficult to remember
> his URL until you have done it several times.
> So I bought the domain name, then contracted with
> to host it. Initially we started with 12MB, 3 emails and cgi script
> options which came to about $580 3 years ago.
> Now we have 27MB, 3 emails, cgi scripts and paid $650 last year and WERE
> anticipating having to pay that again THIS year.
> Last year, the best host provider I could find that was somewhat
> reliable and didn't have a bad rep from the computer geeks I know, some
> of who checked out the sites, was at a savings of about $100.00
> I chose to not move all the files and do the setups for $100 in savings,
> its a lot of work and time.
> This year, offered the possiblity of getting 300MB and 25
> email addresses, yep, you read it right!
> That Basic option from digitalsea is about $250 plus I plan to keep the
> flashnet dialup for $167.40 per year, that means about $450 with some
> minor options. That's about $200 cheaper than as the host.
> I sent the digitalsea information and website to Dan York to get his
> opinion since he owns the server on which the KeelyNet discussion list
> runs.
> Dan made a very kind offer to match the digitalsea price and in
> addition, offered essentially unlimited anything, plus everything would
> be integrated under the aegis. I can't conceive of using
> even 100MB on a website so if it gets that big, YAY, that means a lot of
> people are contributing good information!!!
> This is a very kind thing for Dan to do and will allow me to expand
> KeelyNet in ways I'd never dreamed of before. His server is
> which will be the new KeelyNet host.
> I am very excited about this move as there are many improvements I've
> been wanting to make which will include;
> 1) redesigning the entire website using Frontpage98
> 2) that means a SEARCH function to locate anything on the site
> 3) that means hot buttons instead of tables to select auxiliary
> pages
> 4) that means no lost links
> 5) that means much better organization and consistency in the pages
> 6) that means many of the 'missing' KeelyNet BBS files from late
> 1994 to 1996 when I shut it down
> 7) that means space for movie clips which will include;
> a) the Marks machine
> b) Troy Reeds magnetic motor
> c) the Papp engine
> d) Cleve Backsters test of communication with remote leukocytes
> derived from saliva
> e) Sandy Kidd's gyroscopic precession demo
> f) Les Brown clips about crystal energy amplification and focus
> as well as interesting experiments
> g) Tesla phenomena
> h) hopefully a clip of the Hutchison effect
> i) other short clips of interest
> 8) and other changes/improvements
> Most of these videos have deplorable sound, so where that is the case or
> if it will add to the information, I plan to audiotape the message and
> include the movie clip with the text so you will know what is happening.
> In some cases I can save images as stills that can be enhanced a bit to
> bring out detail.
> Additionally, we have at least 10 new documents, never seen on the net
> and in some cases, rarely or never seen by anyone I've mentioned them
> to.
> These improvements will require;
> 1) Frontpage98 which we will have shortly
> 2) a video card and software that runs about $250
> 3) a full page color scanner which I bought on my own last year
> 4) OCR software at about $120
> I want everyone here to be aware of the changes we will be making over
> the next month and the information additions in following months.
> If you might like to help with these costs for the website renewal, the
> video translation tools, the OCR tools and whatever else pops up, I
> would greatly appreciate any donations to make these upgrades a reality.
> $5.00 (a meal at McDonalds) from 300 of the 322 people on this list
> alone would be $1500.00, which is far beyond what I would need, though
> that would sure make for some new interesting possibilities.
> Not to mention all those who read these archives (yet who are not
> subscribed) or who read or link to the website, those who lift the files
> or mirror them for their own sites, even those who print some of the
> files in various publications which are of course sold to all their
> subscribers. Interesting dichotomy eh?
> That's great that people are interested and even better when they want
> to participate with comments, experiments or new ideas or perspectives,
> after all KeelyNet has and always will be about transfer of information,
> as freely as possible.
> One other project I am working on is to compile all the extant KeelyNet
> BBS and website files into a downloadable 'Electronic book' which will
> be indexed and searchable. I expect it to be around 15MB to 20MB though
> it will be zipped for easier, faster download. This E-Book will be FOR
> SALE, probably around $39.95 or maybe $29.95. It will take several
> months to get all those files cleaned up and compiled into such a book,
> but it will preserve and index all the information for a great archive.
> I have for years received requests for people to get all the files at
> one time, but have refrained from doing this on any larger scale.
> Others of course have copied all the files onto CD or even chopped them
> up to sell in 'folders'....keeping all the income for,
> why let them be the sole ones to profit?
> Its not like millions will come from this, but it will allow for
> upgrades and hopefully some real experiments.
> Of course, the site will still contain files as well as clearly
> displayed references to the mirror sites where people can download any
> files they want as always for free.
> The E-Book will take some compiling because I intend to remove all the
> headers and footers (as did Sumeria without crediting any of the
> documents, especially those written by myself, to KeelyNet or me as the
> author or some of the original files which I refuse to copyright).
> I had a guy call up who makes and sells a radionic version of the
> deuterium oxide phase conjugate fluid for $100 for a one month
> treatment. He said people had hair that darkened, skin looks better and
> tigher, they have more energy and they are sharper when taking this
> fluid. This was all inspired and derived from an article I wrote years
> ago about the presence of deuterium oxide in the body as a cause of
> aging and how it effects could be be reversed or removed by radionic
> phase conjugation, even an experiment done by Bill Strauss....maybe I
> should pull out that pattern derived by Malcolm Rae (or was it Stuart)
> in was supposed to be a 180 degree phase reversed pattern
> for the frequency of heavy water (deuterium oxide)...we could post that
> and let people print it and experiment with it for free.
> Bill said when you put a glass of water on this pattern and let it sit
> for a period, then drink that water, you would experience a bowel
> movement shortly thereafter and feel more energetic...I didn't
> experience this but Bill tried it on several of his friends without
> telling them what to expect, he says they thought he doped the water
> with something though he poured it from a bottle in their presence.
> We could certainly post that radionic angle, what it is for and let
> people try them out.
> Not to mention posting a great file on using angled pieces of paper to
> heal as well as print and cut Pavlita psychotronic devices. Yep, lots
> to do.
> So, rather than let everyone else sponge off KeelyNet with nothing
> remotely volunteered from their sales or profiteering...its time we do
> it ourselves, but always let people know where they can get it for free
> on a one to one free download basis.
> That should work fine as it won't negate a principle I believe in VERY
> STRONGLY, that KeelyNet is NOT here to make money, however, it should
> support itself and that includes equipment and software if it will allow
> for expansion of the information offered.
> None of us are getting any younger, now is the time to PUSH to maximize
> interest in alternative sciences, IMO, preferably not by the government
> because they bungle so much, but at least their 'apparent' interest will
> lend some credibility to the 'possibility' that research could lead to
> the most amazing discoveries in the history of modern man.
> I fully plan to be a part of that and I hope you do too. I'll do what
> it takes to keep the website alive and expand it whether or not any
> donations arrive. To date, we have received 1 - $100 donation, 1 - $60
> donation and 4 checks for $5 or $10.
> To those who sent in those donations, I extend my appreciation and most
> heartfelt thanks! We have til the end of March before renewal is
> required, though I plan to make it so before the deadline, even if it
> takes a credit card....I still have credit even if not actual
> cash..<g>....whatever it takes....
> Thanks to all of you for your support, from your kind comments to your
> sharing of useful and interesting information...>>> Jerry @ KeelyNet
> --
> Jerry Wayne Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
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