BRS/Negative resistance

Harvey Norris ( (no email) )
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 22:44:55 PST

No one would ordinarily seek to short the midpoints of two opposite series
resonant circuits because it is assumed that because the laws of dc
amperage conduction show that current takes the path of least
resistance;that the same analogy exists concerning AC impedance. Nothing
could be further from the truth. The condition of two series resonant
branches in parallel is supposed to represent two purely resistive branches
of cancelled reactances that should predominate in a choice of current
conduction; yet when the branch current of maximum impedance is offered as a
choice of current conduction across the midpoints of oppositely phased
series resonant branches in parallel the path of lesser resistance and ZERO
impedance is completely ignored and the path of maximum impedance is taken.
To me this constitutes a DISCOVERY previously not observed in which
electrical laws seem to be turned upside down. In the dual 56 Henry
prototype the difference between resistive conduction and midpoint
conduction at maximum impedance is 18/1 and 180/1 as regards the input
amperage.In conventional electrical thinking then two possible amperage
conditions represent themselves in parallel; one path will enable 180 ma @
120 v AC of cancelled reactances in parallel;the other path will allow 1 ma
conduction input which is the chosen path. I think this circuit actually
qualifies as STRANGE SCIENCE.
Ordinarily this may not be the case but considerations of placing a very
long length wire coiled to establish an air core coil making an appreciable
magnetic field by virtue of tens of thousands of winds the situation is made
whereby the circuit is interupted long before the complete transmission of
the signal can reach the end of the wire at the speed of light. Other
geometric considerations exist that this signal is not dependent upon its
actual propagation speed and will appear as multiples of the original echoe
by other mechanisms of induction whereby the phenomenon of a faster than
light signal can be easily be dismissed. I agree with this viewpoint.
However this also implies that more electrons in oscillation exist inside
the coil in the form of interior echoes than are expressed in the action of
electrons entering and leaving the coil. This should be something that can
be experimentally determined by the amount of magnetic field which again is
determined by amount of actual electron flow in a copper magnetic coil.
Essentially a discrepancy should occur in measured field strength if this
effect takes place since magnetic field is proportional to electron flow in
these non saturating air core coils.
Certain experiments were made where a typical quarter wavelength effect
was stimulated by a double gap arc excitation in which a suspected
magnification of voltage was observed in the same effect observed in tesla
coils. This served to show that the available voltage at midpoint could be
increased by these traditional methods. In one of these experiments the
arcing went beyond the traditional small violet discharge into a very thick
white discharge containing much more amperage than was possible. This was
done by making a large difference between dielectric constants between
electric field plates interacting in the space of magnetic field action of
the coils. The net result of this experiment was some kind of transient
backlash that gave me a negative amperage reading on the solid state meter
before it became useless and fried. Brown puncture high voltage marks were
found on the white double 110 insulated wire to the 440 transformer input
lines. This transformer later ceased functioning indicating damage from this
experiment. I would classify this kind of accident as an actual effect of
negative resistance encountered with so many different variables that I know
9 times out of 10 that if the same variables again were applied that the
same result might never again be achieved. It is worth noting in retrospect
that everything is not known and this personal experience conveyed to me the
actual possibility of a free energy effect existing as a potential reality
that may someday be futher understood and hopefully exploited. HDN

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