Re: my virus warning

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 14:07:24 -0800 (PST)

Hi Doug et al!

My concern is the false equation of webaccelerator = happy99, which
would mean if you download webaccelerator, it WILL have the happy99
virus attached.

That is simply incorrect and it gives the erroneous impression that
the webcelerator site has a virus, which is just simply not so.

Apparently, it was Steves machine which had the virus and according to
the descriptions I've seen of it, it attaches to outbound emails.

Thus clearly indicating there is no correlation to webaccelerator.

I wasn't trying to make a personal attack, just asking for some
precision as this is how paranoia begins.

My concern is people will read something like that on this list and
decide to unsubscribe for fear the emails they receive could contain
hidden surprises.

Yes, one did, but it had no connection to webacellertor.

These days, anyone stupid enough to open up ANY unsolicited attachment
or enclosure will rightly learn from the experience.

I get all kinds of attachments and unless I know the person sending it
or we have worked it out before the transmission, I delete them onsite.

Sorry, if I came across like that, I should have explained it better.

Information about the happy99, ska Trojan:

You will not get infected by Happy99 merely by downloading the trojan
file. You will have to execute it to get infected.

The modified WSOCK32.DLL has routines to detect the email and
newsgroup postings made by the user.
It will send a copy of the SKA.EXE file renamed as happy99.exe to
every user or newsgroup to whom the user has sends an email.

Each recipient will get the email only once and the trojan will not
send repeat email to the same user. It will send a separate email
retaining the subject of the first email with the file as an
So no matter what, the first time Steve used his email or accessed his
newsgroup, the happy99 would have done its thing.

Whether or not webaccelerator or whatever was installed.

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