4-D tapes ? Whatever happened to Oleg Jefimenko ?Ohio device ?!

ryb ( ashita@dsuper.net )
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 16:30:37 -0500

Apparently I as told that 4-D dimensional sound smart tapes tapes,$15
US each tape ,come with a money back garantee.The potency of CHI
generated by this method surprises people..

Go to:
and look under NEW STUFF and NEW... They also marke tthe LEA
device,Infra Red spa,etc...

Oleg Jefimenko,whatever happened to him and his generator ?He was at the
West Virginia University in 1971 when he invented his generator:
-briefy put it is a simple electrostatic motor fed by earth's
differential electrical fields at various heights or by differential
hemispheriv latitudes.

His first model only produced a continuous power source of 80
W..However his later models had better results because they made use of
the processes of conduvtivity at high altitude and of underground
processes as well that had just been discovered..

So one could have cheap electricity anywhere in the world,without any
problems transporting it and cables to do so...

Is that a case of "missing parts"-that is a secret which was never made
public so one could not replicate his feats...!


P.S. I remember that some people on this list,living near or in Ohio
were suppose to have a look a the Ohio deice or the aura therapeutic
device invented by one Lee Crock ...So what gives ...?