Re: Stanley Meyers and his Patents.

Sun, 14 Feb 1999 22:47:52 -0800

You would thing you would figure out by now you need two electrodes to
make a electrolises work. Its like pulling two strong magnets apart, its
a whole lot easier to neutralize the force first. The more you try to
pull more electons out of the fluid the stronger the force. The neg
anion puts energy into the fluid the pos cation takes it out. Its the
ion exchange is what you want to do. H2O is energized by the neg so the
+H disassociates with the oxigen molecule to 2xH + O. The unutilized
current passes to the pos terminal, which is why the need for a
electrolite (re acid/base-salt/sodium bi-carb) otherwise you have a
overcharge and backpressure on the electronics. Too much resistance for
your diods otherwise.

Harvey Norris wrote:
> On Sat, 07 Nov 1998 19:08:30 +1100, Adam S. wrote:
> > Hi there everyone.
> >
> > Most of you have been here for a long time i'm sure so you have all
> > probably gone over this a thousand times but here is
> > my question:
> >
> > I have read Mr. Meyers patents reguarding extracting hydrogen from the
> > water molecule.
> > It seemed quite straightforward but has anyone managed to succesfully
> > recreate the experiment?
> >
> >>Hi Adam. It appears like your clock may be off by a year or so. I
> conducted an experiment on a Meyer spin off idea but burnt up some expensive
> diodes in the process. This was simple carelessness in thinking when I
> assumed that an electrolysis machine could act solely as a capacity and not
> a short. But undoubtably this experiment will be repeated again when time
> and means become available. Here was my stategy.
> 1) First the electrolysizor must be given a value of acting capacity. It was
> my failure to find this that led to confusion and mistakes.
> 2) Choose an inductor value that would resonate at 120 hertz corresponding
> to 120 dc pulses per second that is obtained from a pulsed dc full wave
> rectification diode assembly. This pulsed dc input should have no capacity
> placed across the output to smooth out the ripple as is commonly employed.
> What is being tried is the self acting capacity contained in the
> electrolysizor to serve this purpose. Once this value is ascertained two
> combinations can be tried
> 3)The first try I made was in series in which the inductor can limit the
> amperage flow. In the case of my experiment this limiting current value was
> way too low to note any effects of the LC combination.
> 4) The next try of course would be to combine these in parallel. But then
> you should make sure your diodes can handle the amperage conditions you are
> about to invoke.This is what happens when you hang around ac conceptual
> habits too long and carelessly apply them to dc. Ordinarily that circuit
> would act as a maximum impedance if it were ac and the electrolysizor acted
> purely as a capacity. However neither of these conditions prevail in the
> real dc world and my diodes became puffs of smoke. They say it costs a lot
> of money for them guys to stuff all that smoke in there, and when you let it
> out by accident it dont work no more.
> 5)In order to arrive at a possible acting capacitive value of the
> electrolysizor: formulas might be applied. I found the acting dielectric
> constant of pure water is about 40 and not 80 as listed in books. The
> addition of an electrolyte may increase a capacitive meter reading thousands
> fold or it may simply go off all the scales so it doesnt seem like a meter
> is any help. The best method I would suggest is to simply hook a known
> capacitance to the electrolysizor and note the change in total amperage
> conduction that occurs as a difference. This will give an imaginary
> capacitance in series with the known value. This is the method I will try
> the next time this thing is attempted. You may also wish to read Meyers
> Electrolysis entree at HDN
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