Re: Lee Rogers Air Powered Engine.

Adam S. ( (no email) )
Sun, 15 Nov 1998 11:01:38 +1100

Hi Terry,

Thanks for your help but i'm kinda confused now. When you said "These are
not Dennis Lee's patents" did you mean "These are not Lee Rogers patents"?
As far as I could tell the Dennis Lee patents are a different design than
Lee Rogers idea, is that correct?

Does anyone know the Lee Rogers patent numbers?

Terry Bastian wrote:

> Here are the patent refrences made by Dennis Lee and the most efficient
> Heat Engine. Fischer Heat Cycle. These are not Dennis Lee's patents
> 4426847
> 4437308
> 4747271
> At 04:50 PM 11/13/98 +1100, you wrote:
> >Does anyone know the patent number of Lee Rogers air powered engine?
> >
> >If there isn't a patent because this Lee Rogers story is a joke could
> >someone please tell me.
> >
> >thanks.
> >
> >
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