Re: Lee Rogers Air Powered Engine./A expieriment to prove the theory.

Sun, 14 Feb 1999 13:33:31 -0800

Ho There;
Came up with a experiment to prove/explain the theory. I haven't tried
it but should work(with twigging) but needed:
-Volenteer needed-Qualifitcations/backyard mad scientist ,having have
a notion what he's doing.

Need one propane tank can be charged with propane(caution explosive
gas),nitrogen would be better.

Need old lawnmower. Take the carb out,spark plug stays in to block the
whole,out the condensor and all electrical out,muffler out. Now adapt a
fitting to where the fuel line used to be (you may need to drill this
out to accomodate the gas line) so you have a gas line connecting the
propane to the engine.

First experiment;Turn the open valve on, the engine should run(may need
to yank at pull cord ,remember there shouldn't be any electricals), it
will run as long as there is enough pressure to push the piston(past
opperation pressure). Addjusting the open valve will adjust the speed.

Second experiment; Adapting a fitting to the exhause outlet to a heat
exchanger which connects to a inline fluid pump,as like a fuel pump but
with 100 P.S.I.... Y'know a old junk yard freezer would be good for
this. On the line that comes from the freezer(warm)cut and connect to
the engine exhaust line so to go through the rear heat exchanger. The
line that comes from the compressor and goes to the freezer, connect to
the propane tank and via T connection to the engine fuel adapted
valve,remember to put a one way pressure valve between the compressor to
the tank. If all is well you have rerouted the freezer as to cool the
exhaust gas. If you could take this heat exchanger and freeze it as a
block of ice(to make it work better). Now if you turn on the propane
flow valve the engine should run as fast as the compressor can cool the
propane to liquid. If you can have a gas that will liquify at this
temperature the motor should be functional..(different gases liquify at
diff temp)
So I believe thats the whole mystery behind the air motor.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Your following message has been delivered to the 317 members of
> the list at 14:05:29 on 14 Feb 1999.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> >
> > Hi Folks!
> >
> > Now that's a thought - a free energy device to run a compressor that
> > would generate 500psi to push the pistons in any internal combustion
> > engine in the world.
> >
> > The F/E device produces power to run the compressor to charge the
> > tank(s) which feeds the compressed air to the engine to make it run.
> The free energy is velosity and momentum
> >
> > When the air pressure went down to a specific trigger level, the
> > compressor engine again kicks back in to restore pressure.
> No step down valve, the air tanks provide storage capacity until you
> use the engine brake which does the compression.
> >
> > Or just run the compressor all the time the car is needed and use one
> > small tank for startup pressure.
> It doesn't run by itself. Compressed air capacity is all important.
> >
> > This way, no hydrogen, no water, no surfactant, no serious engine mods
> > beyond the adapter plate for where the carburetor used to be, no
> > electric motor conversion or batteries.....any car could then run on
> > air, no pollution and pretty much adaptable off the shelf, no need to
> > junk all those vehicles out there....I love it!
> As stated it propably runs on the nitrogen gas phase, compressed air
> produces water. Think of the system as a heat pump or your refrigerator
> cooling system. A heat pump produces more heat than the electricity to
> run the coolant system,dido to the refrigerator.
> > --
> > Jerry Wayne Decker /
> > / "From an Art to a Science"
> > Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> > KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
> >
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