Science Frontieres report

Jean-Pierre LENTIN ( )
Mon, 08 Feb 1999 13:24:36 +0100

Festival Science Frontieres (16th edition) took place January 27-31 1999
in Cavaillon (South of France). Definitely a good year. Record breaking
attendance (800 seats big hall always full) and unprecedented media
coverage, with all TV networks coming to visit.=20

Science Frontieres=92 specifics : it=92s open to a large audience (whence
the name =AB festival =BB) and it=92s also a meeting place for convention=
and alternative scientists, with lots of tolerance and good vibes on
both side. Presenting controversial or alternative ideas in science is
only one of the festival=92s goals (the others are assessing the impact o=
recent scientific advances, and discussing present planetary problems -
with a strong accent on environment / ecology).

Now, here is a brief report of events concerning this list=92s topics.

Over-unity energy and cold fusion were featured for the first time at
the festival and were an =AB instant hit =BB !

Jean-Louis Naudin demonstrated the SMOT and a few small motors, gave a
SMOT-building course and generally impressed everybody with his precise,
unassuming and no-BS approach.

Physicist Patrick Cornille presented his theoretical views on =AB
stimulated forces =BB, which might account for over-unity. Cornille has a
regular scientific job with state-funded CEA (Atomic Energy Commission),
but his theoretical and experimental work on non-conventional
electromagnetics is a personal pursuit. As he=92s nearing retirement age,
he can be expected to work full-time on over-unity in the years to come,
and his deep knowledge of physics (as witnessed by his contributions to
Szames=92 book - see below) will surely be a big asset.

Naudin and Cornille seemed highly confident in the future. They recently
founded a company, Advanced Electromagnetic Systems, that will soon have
its own web page, and Cornille has a huge theoretical paper to be
published in a mathematical physics journal. Stay in tune...

Jean-Paul Biberian was a big success too. His brand of WoodyAllenesque
humor had the audience rolling in laughter. His contract for cold fusion
experiments with the Atomic Energy Commission will end in a few months,
he=92s had many positive, if small scale, results, he has original ideas
for new techniques, so he=92s definitely hooked and wants to keep on
researching CF. Next year he might return to the USA, if work
opportunities permit. Don=92t miss him if he=92s lecturing somewhere !

Biberian was also seen discussing into the wee hours with Science
Frontieres=92 favorite maverick physicist, Joel Sternheimer, who got a =AB
scientist of the year =BB prize at the end of the festival. Sternheimer
has a patent on a quite revolutionary technology - sound frequencies and
melodies that stimulate or inhibit the synthesis of specific proteins,
with medical and agricultural applications. As a mathematical physicist,
Sternheimer is developing a new twist in quantum theory, where the
particle waves are not simply sinusoidal, as in classical QM, but have
harmonics too. So he thinks that in CF hydrogen electrons might jump to
a lower harmonic, thus achieving fractional quantum states (a la Mills
or Vigier), getting closer to the nucleus and gaining energy.

Alexandre Szames presented his big fat book (500 pages, 3 years work) on
the Biefeld-Brown effect. This 29 years old writer has an impressive
scientific culture (puts me to shame, easily !) and did fascinating
experimental work with help from Naudin and Cornille. They conclude
Biefeld-Brown effect is NOT antigravity, but a crucial proof of the
existence of aether (thus invalidating general relativity) and
stimulated forces, opening the way to over-unity and new propulsion
concepts. Just after the festival Szames flew to USA to participate in
NASA=92s latest seminar on breakthrough propulsion in Albuquerque. I
expect some news from him when he returns.

Lastly, another sign that O/U or FE research is gaining ground in France
: we finally have a French language web site on these topics, thanks to
Jean and Bernadette Soares and their association, Quant=92Homme. For year=
they did a wonderful job translating articles and infos, and now they
have a site full of links and references, at

Bye for now. Best regards to all !