Re: British-Dutch Antigravity Machine

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( (no email) )
Sun, 7 Feb 1999 15:49:47 -0500

>Has anyone heard about this 'discovery'? As far as I can make out, it
>was posted in 1997 or so?
>2. The announcement by a British-Dutch scientific consortium that true
>a anti-gravity device has been built which can levitate LIVING things
>and other NON-METALLIC objects.

Um, this sounds suspiciously like the magnetic levitation demo with the
frog, which of course has absolutely nothing to do with gravity.

I then visited the URL you posted:

and found that someone was trying to connect this, somehow, with a bizarre
case of unexplained electrical activity in a Canadian home, with the
implication that the government was testing mind-control technology on the
public. Quite a leap of logic. I don't remember for sure how the Canadian
case ended up, although for some reason I have it in the back of my mind
that it was a hoax perpetrated by a family member.

--"Withdraw in disgust is not the same thing as apathy."  --R.E.M.