Re: bridge

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 02 Feb 1999 00:43:40 -0600

Hi Grayson et al!

If you guys ever get a chance to look through older books on electric
power, you might find the term 'aeolian vibration'....I have an old book
that talks about the high voltage and telephone wires which resonated
when the wind blew through them, sometimes ripping the wires out...I
believe the 'cure' nowadays for these high wind areas are balls that are
placed on the wire between the understanding is these balls
have some kind of tensioning mechanism that compensates for any
vibration that becomes too large...acting like a dilatant matrix or a
rubber band to stop the wires from snapping....the book is interesting
as I'd never seen the term applied like that before...

My understanding is that Aeolian refers to wind driven vibration which
would apply to the Tacoma bridge disaster...similar phenomena was in the
fantastic story where Tesla used a mechanical oscillator connected to a
basement beam of a building and tuned to resonate with the building
until it started shaking...well, that's the story.

A few years ago, I found this interesting device for crudely measuring
frequency of a motor or other vibrating body....hmm, can't recall the
exact mode of operation, that is whether it used two wires or just is a handle with a wire that slides out...the wire has a
pointer in the handle that displays a value used to derive the
mechanical frequency of the vibrating structure...the wire wiggles but I
don't recall how you know how much wiggle is the determinant...have to
drag it out and see what gives..might be interesting to make a file on

Dale Pond and Walter Baumgartner did some experiments and wrote a book
on the 'Tesla Earthquake machine'..I don't know who sells it at this
time, but it is intriguing...also don't know if it is the same
technology that Tesla had because his was supposedly handheld and
powered probably by a windup mechanism as I never saw it requiring
outside power....something else that ties in if you are out for
mischief, is infrasound but that's too dangerous to be posting in
details...its out there if you look hard enough, but I'd rather not pass
information on devices capable of mass destruction....too many crazies
out there....maybe if we need them one day for defense, but not today..

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187