working devices?

Chris Blythe ( )
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 02:58:27 +0000

In message <>,
Jerry Wayne Decker <> writes
>only one problem Bob, no one that I know has anything that works for
>free energy or gravity control....YET...<g>..seeya! for a site that might change your mind. Also
issue 17 of Infinite Energy contains an excellent interview with Randal
Mills of Blacklight power relating to catalytic reduction of hydrogen to
newly discovered sub-ground state levels. This explains a number of
annomalies...dark matter, excess energy developed in the suns corrona
and points to a new way of energy generation altoghter.

I think that there could also be a conection with certain engine
technolgies (GEET) that give out more oxygen than they should when using
water and additives with improved milage. See also Infinate Energy issue
18 cover story on Nuclear Augmented Combustion where lithium is added to
engines and furnaces with resulting increase in efficiency. Maybe this
technology is actually hydrino formation also?

In the Blacklight process the catalyst is potassium which Mills recons
is needed to resonantly soak up 27.2 electron volts in order to make the
electron in hydrogen reduce to a half ground state diammeter.

Can anyone tell me if lithium and potassium have anything in common? Is
is lithium capable of resonant transfer in the same region or harmonic
multiple of 27.2ev?

PLease excuse the spelling my spell checker is off line at the moment.


-- Chris Blythe