Re: Transparent Aluminum

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Mon, 1 Feb 1999 21:32:26 +1300

So does this all mean that Aluminium (How the rest of the English speaking
world spell it) in it's current form is like a polarised lens in its "sorry
I'm not going to let any light through" state. It's been a while since I
even looked at anything like this so it all still seems a little odd.

This thread reminds me of that Star Trek movie when they go back to 198(5?).
They needed transparent Aluminium to create a lightweight water container to
transport some whales back to the future inside a klingon ship to save the
future Earth from destruction caused by an alien probe trying to communicate
to the previously mentioned ocean-dwelling creatures which in that time
period no longer existed....(INHALE).

With a story line like that it had to be a hit. :)
