Re: aura therapeutic device similar to the LEA ?

Steve ( )
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 23:16:47 -0500

> > But their method of laying healing hands on the body (I have tried
> > it myself) does seem to work and produce effects.. you feel heat in
> > your hands as if your hands were in a hot air current...

I've tried this as well, several years ago. My uncle uses what he calls
"energy healing" as well as more traditional methods in his work as
a physical therapist, and a few years ago I had a bad headache and
he suggested trying energy healing instead of taking tylenol.
He placed his hand on my forehead, and I felt some sort of warmth
radiating from his hand, different from body head. Within seconds
my head felt fine, no more headache.. very cool. So I definitely know
this stuff works, at least on a small scale. I'm inclined to believe
it does work on a large scale as the Ohio people claim in their book.


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