Mandala Sounds

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 15:54:13 -0600

Hi Folks!

Recieved this intriguing email and thought it worth sharing.

Many of us are aware that, as per the Vedas, a 2 dimensional pattern
such as drawn out on paper, usually in the form of a mandala or
geometric pattern, when properly expanded produces a specific acoustic

So, the 3 dimensional world that we live in can be represented as mass
aggregate signatures in 2 dimensional patterns.

One fellow is saying the crop circles can be expanded and that when so
expanded and spun around, can possibly indicate machines or schematics.
Check out and do a search on crop circles for the
books available.

The funniest comment I've heard on that matter, was that you could spin
a bicycle and get interesting patterns...<g>...but that doesn't mean
aliens are telling us anything build something FROM
that pattern that does something reproducible, now we're talking.

Also, there are the claims that many ancient heirglyphs and drawings, as
well as 'religious' artefacts are in reality representations of 'lost'
or possibly other world technologies...I tend to agree with this, having
seen some amazing things, especially the vacuum tubes on the crypt walls
at Dendera.

It does appear that some of this lost technology uses implosion
processes totally opposite to the explosive science we have developed
our modern world from. Aether/zpe being everywhere in the universe and
us and our world existing under these intense aether/zpe pressures would
mean that everything would NATURALLY IMPLODE...but that's another story.

Another point to keep in mind, its not so much the frequencies involved
as the RELATIONSHIP of the frequencies to EACH OTHER....the ratios and
phase relationships as they play with, intermix and deflect from each
other. Using this understanding, the pattern or signature of the
mandala can be reproduced using any frequency band, whether it be sound,
heat, light, electricity, magnetism, the last two of course only if you
think there is a true Aether Spectrum.

The Aether Spectrum and additional material is at;

The Vedic science article about USING this knowledge;

So, here is the email that was posted to me;

I was curious if you ever run accross the frequency 201.0624 Hz in any
of your studies. Below explains where that number came from. Also,
please return to me, any information that might seem helpful.

"The Sri Yantra - or Yantra of Creation - is the most revered of all
Hindu yantras. There is a mysterious beauty that arises in the way that
9 diverse triangles can interlink to form a state of perfect balance and
harmony - creating 43 smaller triangles that comprise the Sri Yantra.

This very ancient symbol made an interesting appearance in modern times.
It happened as a result of a series of experiments in the field of
cymatics (the study of the interrelationship between energy and matter.)
The sacred Hindu symble "OM", when correctly intoned into the tonoscope
(a devise that transforms sounds into their visual representations on a
screen), produces a circle which is then filled in with concentric
squares and triangles, finally producing, as the last traces of the 'M'
disappear from the screen, the Sri Yantra.

(Also interesting how the concentric patterns tie in with the Boson
claims of concentric hemispheres to sequentially interfere with
aether/zpe influx and a possible harmonic refractive index..>>> JWD)

The sound vibration patterns which are generated by the many angles of
the triangles of the SRI YANTRA were calculated by using the essential
element of the circle around the triangular patterns, PI (3.1416) as the
basic unit to which all the other ratios could relate.

Therefore 3.1416 became a frequency vibration rate which, when doubled
in value 6 times becomes 201.0624 cycles per second (or Hertz, ab. Hz)
which is a sound tone equal on the international tuning scale of G+43

Cents are divisions of microtuning between notes on a piano keyboard.
Each cent equals 1/100th division of sharp or flat between notes."

The full document is at;

P.S. also other than my studies on cymatics and the sri yantra and the
aum mantra, my studies have also lead me to the Egyption god Thoth, and
his sacred words of power. Check out;

pay special attention to the section where they speak of a place where
they lay down a person in a sarcoughagus. And how they achieve "god"
consciousness. Also look into this;

which has Great Pyramid Statistics, and you will find that all of these
things are tied together. Please, i would be so interested in your
feedback on this matter.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187