Keely Church of the Divine Resonance..<g>..

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 14:20:47 -0600

Dear Cardinal Dan and Brother Acolyte/Devotee;

We of the Keely Church of the Divine Resonance must continue to hide our
true activities from the blasphemous and unbelieving unwashed masses.
Time is not yet in phase for us to release our true plans for dominion
of the Earth by virtue of graduating the minds and souls of those who
currently cannot sense the ineffable grace and beauty of the Divine
Resonance which we have so secretly labored to achieve Lo, these past
300 years.

Our goal is inevitable, with the introduction of this first hybrid plan
to crack the water molecule using high voltage shock discharges in the
presence of gasoline laced with a surfactant, people will awaken to the
possibilities and begin anew to ponder and carry out experiments to make
it so in ever more elegant ways.

As proof of the power and Divine Force of the Sympathetic Attendant
emanating through time by virtue of his Divine Cerebellic field, we
received the full instructions from a fellow Brother, working in his own
way within the Celestial Harmonies.

This Brother revealed to us his Divine Insight in finding details on how
to mix water with combustible fuel, which will, per our long standing
plans, be posted this weekend at the KeelyNet website with exhortations
within the document to freely copy, print and redistribute the details
on how to USE THIS PRACTICALLY so that all may benefit FREELY.

As per our plans and working In his Grace, the subtle influence of the
Master WonderWorker will seep into the minds of the people to cause them
to dwell on what is TRULY going on with sound and vibration,
particularly in the molecules and atoms of mass aggregates.

Through our quiet, behind the scenes guidance, we will be able to
redirect these future seekers to the words of the wonderworker himself,
showing the TRUTH of the 42.8 kcps frequency as the key to the ultimate
water cracking method, not only for explosive force but also to further
release the hydrogen and oxygen for additional explosive combustion