Re: Canyon.txt

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 02:23:02 -0600

Hi Bill et al!

Thanks for those excellent URLs that tie in so well with the Canyon.txt,
I just love it when people take time to do a bit'o'research that helps
illuminate a topic for everyone else....simply excellent!! Especially
that strange.htm (last URL)...huge page that I've only skimmed through
but that one is worth printing out..<g>...

The following quote comes from one of 3 pages on ancient technology
which is still amazing to some of us;

"It appears that a great deal of this ancient technology is also
elemental in nature. It combines the basic elements of the environment :
stone, wood, air, fire, water... with specific knowledge of the nature
of the universe : geometry, harmonics, gravity, mathematics, astrology,
magnetism, etc. Elemental technology works in harmony with nature, and
deals directly with nature. You could say that elemental technology is
the applied mechanics of nature."

What would our 'modern world' be like if we worked more in harmony with
nature? Apparently one or more past or even unknown civilizations knew
much more than we give them credit for in our 'modern wisdom'. Reminds
me of the old Star Trek episode where a planet was being targeted by a
huge asteroid that would strip all life on it. The landing team beams
down and Kirk falls into a secret passage on a pyramid structure,
bumping his head and losing his memory. He awakes when found by local
Indian like natives who have chosen to live simply, fulfilling lives
under the name Turok....very interesting ideas in the show, especially
when the pyramid structure is activated to spew forth a repulsor beam
that deflects the asteroid. Were some of our ancestors like that?
I found one page that started out pretty cool, with the proposition that
humans didn't evolve at all, but instead DEVOLVED, where they had
technology and science equal to and even surpassing us, but the file
quickly degenerated into 'sauroids' and the typical aliens eating humans
Indian little people and odd lead disc;
Fossilized human bones, we've been around MUCH longer than we are told;

400,000 year old human skeleton in Brazilian cave, not the 35,000 year
maximum we are taught;

Shadow science to change history;
5000 BCE - Peculiar helmeted figure;
I guess the point of all this is to add to the information thus far
presented indicating that our ancestors weren't the ignorant cavemen as
proposed, that they were more advanced, possibly with equal or superior
technology to us, leaving hard to explain artefacts...and that they
either destroyed themselves by technology, were destroyed by natural
cataclysm or were taken over and assimilated by more primitive races to
cause them to devolve and lose their identity and technical knowledge.


--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187