Int'l Tesla Soc./Exotic Research

Robin Dye/The Credit Zone/VisionQuest Productions ( (no email) )
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 16:06:29 -0700

Hi Everyone!

I am forwarding this message to you to clarify some of the postings listed
recently on KeelyNet. (response from Steve Elswick re: ITS)

Robin Dye
VisionQuest Productions

Dear Robin,

Thanks for the info from the Keelynet... however it is full of
misinformation. For starters, JW blames everyone but himself for the
Society's problems. Knowing the people who ran the books prior to 1998,
EVERY penny spent was accounted for up to the time of departure. Also
after Johnnie left (for health reasons), the Society did not keep proper
books. The Society owes me $32,000 yet it is not mentioned, however the
trustee is fully aware of the debt and it is also listed on their own
formm 990s. This is secured debt from the sell of High Energy. As a
result, Exotic Research will most likely end up with a significant share
of the assets left.

As for Joe Champion... this is a character who loves to promise money
and then never come through. He never gave the Society any money even
though he promised to. I believe he is sincere in that he wants to help,
but he doesn't have the wherewithal to follow through.

The best thing everyone can do for now is let events work their way
through the legal system. I am staying on top of everything (as usual)
and will be fully informed as to all the actions taken with regards to
the Society. There will be an audit conducted by the trustee... there is
no doubt in my mind what they will find. However, I am truly grateful
that ITS went through an IRS audit about a year before I left. This
audit that occurred during the time I managed it passed with flying

Those who are looking for an organization to turn to should consider
Exotic Research. Currently, I am doing everything the Society was doing
except for the Museum... after all, it was my vision and my long, hard
working hours that got the Society to where it was in January of 1996
when I left. Exotic Research is even better than the Society as I have
gained a lot more experience and information over the past three years.

I sent you a separate email concerning the upcoming Seattle Conference.
I want to encourage everyone to attend. We have recaptured the
excitement and "zing" of the pre-1996 conferences and everyone is sure
to enjoy it.
For anyone wanting to contact me can call (520) 424-3581.
or check my page at:
Thanks again,
Steve Elswick
Publisher, Exotic Research Report