Re: Time Travel again

David ( (no email) )
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 21:17:20 -0600

Fair enough, I have made part of the device that Nikola Tesla used to
run his car. I have made the wave guide/ antenna. Tesla used a box filled
with electrical components to increase the current of the electricity from
the wave guide. However, many applications can be run by this electricity by
simply transforming it in to a lower voltage with higher current. Jerry
Gallimore had much to say about this electricity in his third "Handbook of
Unusual Energies'. The problem is that air is a terrible conductor of
electricity, so even though it produces in excess of one thousand volts of
electricity the current is too small to run most machinary. This energy is
terribly easy to attract, but there is a problem in that the current is so
small. Jerry Gallimore used it to power a 4,000 volt motor at about 100 RPM.
Tesla's first antenna was a simple sheet of copper that he left out in the
sun. This gave him similar results, except that he did not use a radio
active collector like Jerry Gallimore did later. Jerry Gallimore suggested
that a stronger current could be produced by making a different kind of
antenna. Nikola Tesla used the same kind of antenna ("candle stick') that
Jerry used except that he had increased the current with a mess of
electronic parts in a huge box. The motor that he used in his car was not
very efficient, and if I can figure out how they rewound that 1 horse power
motor at to run on a 9 volt battery, I
should have little trouble in making one and power a car with it, or in
generating house hold electricity by connecting it to a generator. I hope
that this clarifies some of what I said and I will keep you informed of any
progress that is made (although it is being made very slowly). Thank you all
for your helpful suggestions for transforming this energy into a higher
current form. I am of course trying to improve the designs that Tesla and
Gallimore used.

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Wayne Decker <>
To: David <>
<> Brad Skehan <>
Cc: <>
Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: Time Travel again

>Hi David!
>Tell you what, you tell US about free energy and how you make it and
>we'll tell you about time travel...<g>...try;
>good luck...
>---David wrote:
>> Time Travel, hmmm? I'd like to here some of these claims,
>stories, and
>> "experiences' of people that are "time travelers'. Anyone that has
>made such
>> a claim, or built a machine, or whatever, so long as it concerns
>time travel
>> can write to me if they like. By the way, who did claim to be a time
>> traveler? I'd like to read their posts at the Keely Net archive.
>Please tell
>> me more about this "time traveler' claim challenge. What for
>instance do you
>> have in mind for these people to do to proove that they are indeed
>> travelers. Anyway, this whole discussion sounds very interesting to
>> me.
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