Re: Current

Mike Visser ( )
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 18:45:55 +0200

sounds as though your formulae are missing the
vital element,
work done (or Watts) = Volts * Amps,
If you have 1A @ 12V, and you step that up to
12000V, you will have available .001A.
This is fine for transmission over long distances,
but impractical for every day usage as your
insulation levels at 12kV start adding zeros to
your outlay. A 12kV potential will jump (subject
to correction) in normal dry air, about 250mm.
This makes working at this level difficult at
best, and dangerous the rest of the time.
You must be more specific to get an accurate
answer, ie, specify what you are trying to drive,
what is its voltage and amperage requirement, and
then determine whether the specified input via the
required varations will do the trick.
The response from Ken is your best bet with regard
modifying your supply.
I wish you best of luck with your tests and please
keep us all informed.
Mike Visser