(no subject)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
(no date)


any of a group of ELEMENTARY PARTICLES that have
integral values of the quantum mechanical property called spin
and are gregarious in that an unlimited number of them can
exist in the same quantum state. Bosons, which include the
PHOTON, gluon, W AND Z PARTICLES and the proposed
graviton, carry the fundamental FORCES of nature.
Bose-Einstein statistics describe the behavior of systems of
An interesting page comprising a collection of theories which embodies
all of our current understanding about the behaviour of fundamental

Higgs Boson as the Point of Creation;


Here is a portion of the above page;

"The kind of theory I was involved in essentially described the weak
force in the same sort of language. That's the theory which has been so
successful and has been verified in all sorts of ways. In it a Higgs
Boson is just a quantum of energy of density fluctuations of the
What I find interesting about this idea, though I don't know if it is
Bosons exactly, when mass is aggregating during creation it would have
to be absorptive, either sucking in additional material or more likely
producing an intensification of energy which would literally materialize
matter from the energetic collisions that slow the energy to produce
matter. Now thats for creation.

As mass continues to exist, it is subject to additional influx of
aether/zpe in the form of gravity and time which causes additional
growth and eventualy MATURATION when it reaches its mass peak, its mass
life...from that point, its downhill as the mass begins to age and
eventually die.