Re: capturing free energy

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 21 Jan 1999 00:47:13 -0600

Hi Folks!

Received the following interesting email from a fellow named George and
it was just too good not to post.

I sent George an email asking for permission to post the info to the
KeelyNet discussion list but his email came back. So George if you are
reading this, your return address isn't set right in your email program.

I also wanted to thank George for sharing the story as it sounds quite
similar to the one I heard except that in mine, it was some kind of
large visible antenna that sapped the needed power from the power lines.

I love stories like this, as they usually offer an interesting insight
or comment.
I don't know about the guy in Mich. but back in the early 1960's. My
father took me over to an inventers freind of his in Burnaby,B.C. He
invented a lot of things... I only remember a couple of things.

One was a spark plug that would last 100,000 miles. My father tested
these himself. Same spark plug in the car for years.

Another thing was the tapping of the powerlines. I don't remember if he
told my father how he did it. I was only 5 or 6 then.

Anyway, he told us that he ran his farm/shop from the powerlines out
back. One day all the power went out then came back on a number of

A few weeks later, B.C. Hydro and the R.C.M.P., along with a bunch of
equipment to find buried wires. They searched all over around and under
the lines, but didn't find anything.

A couple of weeks later some lawyers from BC Hydro came out and offered
him a million dollars if he would show them how he did it. He said no.
He said to my father that once they could prove how he did it they would
throw him in jail for theft.

Besides, he used so much electricty on his farm and experimets, that he
would use up the million in just a few years. I remember he had all
kinds of electrical stuff in his shop.
Well, I'm certainly at a loss to explain how he could tap that
power...come to think of it...not COMPLETELY at a loss..<g>....

How about this? We know that you can set up a conductive path in air
using either charged particles streamed out to a target or using
ultraviolet light at high intensity that will ionize the air and
literally create an invisible wire through the air to the target.

So you could have an emitter connected to a collection system where the
path was established to the line transformer or open wire of the high
voltage power lines.

Create the path and redirect the power through the virtual line. When
snoops came around, you hide the emitter.

Now, there have been several very strange newspaper and short magazine
articles about inventions that produced 'actinic' rays which appear to
be highly conductive and can explode munitions at a distance. I've
never been able to get much detail on it or how to produce them easily
but the frequencies are very high.

Same thing applies with the Hurwich device which somehow 'changes the
center of gravity' in conductive masses, and from a distance yet.

So much we don't know and it would appear to be that we are missing
basic, simple ways to produce interesting and useful effects.

Remember that Hurwich got the idea from KNOWN facts about how current
and electricity operate, then used less than $50 of unspecialized spare
parts from his workshop to produce his initial device. What did he
REALIZE that so many of us are missing? If you are interested in the
story, check out;

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187