Re: capturing free energy

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 11:48:53 -0800 (PST)

Hi BJB et al!

Well, that scenario always sounds good and tempting but the reality is
you don't get sufficient power leakage to be able to accumulate
anything if you are in proximity to high tension lines,
you have a snowballs chance to sap some power off...there was a story
a couple or years ago about a fellow up in Wisconson, Michigan,
somewhere up north, who had power lines running across his property.

He setup an antenna collection arrangement and was able to freely sap
off all the power he needed to run his entire farm...the power company
had a fit and took him to court, but turns out their lines weren't
OVER his property but close enough that the antenna arrangement was
able to inductively couple to the lines to provide him with
essentially free power. The report I saw said the power company
figured it would cost more to move their lines than to just let him
get away with it.. wrote:
> Is anyone aware of devices and related arguments about capturing the
> electricity radiated as EM of devices such as televisions and lamps?
> I know I can measure them and am wondering if it is viable and
capable to make
> a device to increase electrical efficiency?
> Any ideas or related ideas? Why worry about creating energy when
the amount of
> waste in power lines, end use products, etc., would create infinite
amounts of
> captured electricity?
> Thanks in advance!

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