McBurney HIMAC system

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 18 Jan 1999 13:24:01 -0600

Hi Folks!

With regard to increasing mileage using hydrogen;

Got a call from Bruce Mcburney this morning and he is writing a new book
on hydrogen as derived from cracking the water molecule. He said he'd
checked out the Stan Meyers process and it was much more complex than
the HIMAC system and from what he could tell didn't work as claimed by

Bruce thinks this new book will really excite some interest in the HIMAC
system and expressed disappointment because in his opinion, so many
hydrogen researchers fail to mention the cracking of the water molecule
as being a requirement to effective hydrogen production.

I'm not really up on his system so was kind of at a loss, but he has a
lot of confidence in it and says there are many people using it to
radically increase their mileage. I don't recall exactly what he did
but he said he added something to his engine and got a 50% increase in

Here in Texas, I understand you can be subject to a fine of something
like $50,000 for changing your carburetion system...correct me if you
have any additional information but it sure puts a damper on wanting to
experiment with it, as much as I like the idea of running water as a
fuel when converted to its component gases.

Check out the HIMAC site at;

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187