Re: Joint Efforts

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 12:06:28 -0800 (PST)

Hi Mario et al!

I'm not sure what you meant by the quip 'hope this time my email is
worth an answer' I usually try to answer what I can...

With regard to the 'joint effort' project, that is John Berry and a
few others who think this might work and I wish them godspeed so you
might want to contact him directly.

I don't know if you currently subscribe to the list but if you might
want to subscribe its easy enough to do by going to and clicking on KeelyNet Discussion list where
it will let you sign on. I don't put anyone online unless they
specifically ask for it.

With regard to the RQM (and many other such claimants), it would
greatly behoove and validate them if they could post sufficient detail
so that many could do at least a tabletop experiment to independently
verify any of the claimed phenomena.

I know they want to protect the ideas and techniques but there are
many basic physics and science experiments that verify and validate
ideas and concepts which are in use all over the world in more
complex, marketable and practical forms.

Is there something your contact could provide that would allow those
who are interested to do such an experiment to prove the basic claim???

---Erra Mario wrote:
> From: Jerry Wayne Decker
> You wrote:
> I've been monitoring the RQM site for several years now and a friend
> claims to have witnessed or been involved a test of their overunity
> motor. He thinks they really have something but the last time I
> checked (before today), they had no product to sell and were still
> seeking financing.
> <snip>
> Some days ago there was a thread for joining efforts. Now I can’t give
> you money, but I can give you time.
> I was once at this company and was showed some videos and I could ask
> questions. But with the lack of knowledge I’m sure I didn’t asked the
> crucial or right questions.
> My proposal is this: Send me a catalog of questions to ask him (Mr.
> Lehner, VR-President of RQM, which I meet) I write up the answers and
> report to you or the list.
> I also got some pictures I scanned from a flyer he gave me, showing
> they see magnetism working. (Hopper-Monstein Experiment) But don't
> to trash your inbox with pictures unless you tell me that I can send
> them to you.
> I hope this time my e-mail is worth an answer.
> Greetings from Switzerland
> Mario
> P.S.
> You wrote:
> A Russian scientist claims by using the 'matrioshka' design (the
> wooden doll within doll within doll, etc..) but using a coil within a
> coil within a coil, etc...
> <snip>
> RQM does the same thing in describing their patent!!!

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