Re: Bellocq Water Pump

Halls ( (no email) )
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 21:51:01 -0700

Thought I'd share my trip to the library with you guys. Anyone find power
requirements for this pump?

The following is from "The Calgary Herald" Oct10, 1989
"Special pump pushes more than profits"
by Richard Bruner (Christian Science Monitor)

TUCSON, Ariz -- Juan Pascoe is a retired United Nations development
specialist who not only has found a solution to water problems of the
world's poor rural areas, but has helped put together a Tucson corporation
to make a lot of money in the process.

Pascoe's black eyes blaze with excitement when he talks about a new pump
that will push water out of the ground at the rate of two gallons a minute,
using a one-fifth horsepower motor that derives it's energy from four solar

"It's a godsend," he says.
Pascoe is the president of a Tucson company that will manufacture and
market the new pump.

Bentley's pump uses a motor that would barely drive a sewing machine.
But its work is very limited. All it needs to do is send sonic waves down
the well pipe to a valved pumping unit at the well's bottom. The unit picks
up the waves and drives its piston up and down. This gushes a whole column
of water up the pipe.

None of this takes much energy. Pascoe points out. Only enough to make
some noise down a pipe.

Bentley also has invented a second type of pump, one that slides an
electric charge down a black well pipe. The entire pipe becomes like a
capacitor of a discharge system on an electronic ignition. It employs its
valve system to push the column of water or oil to the surface.

Pascoe discovered Bentley in the mountains near Ruidoso. N.M.. were he
was living a quiet existence despite the 34 patents in his name. With Allyn
Spence, an anthropologist with the Office of Arid Land Studies at the
University of Arizona. Pascoe put together a company called Appropriate
Technology Development Inc.

Not long after forming the company, Pascoe and Spence took a prototype
pump to the Navajo reservation.

"We put it in an abandoned well, connected it to four solar panels, and
it started to bring up water." says Pascoe.
"The Navajos came around. The women especially were enchanted. They
said, "The sun is bringing out the water from the ground? Impossible."

For Pascoe, the experience on the Navajo reservation was confirmation of
his hope that the pump might have worldwide uses.
"Knowing what I know about the needs of the developing world rural
people without water or with very little water... I know one of the reasons
they cannot use traditional pumping gear is because they don't have
electricity or it is too expensive. Now here is a pump that the deeper you
go the more efficient it is. You can go 4,000 feet and bring water up with
a little motor which draws practically no electricity."

The Bentley pumps are also much less expensive to purchase and maintain
other water pumping technologies. The smaller pumps will replace $20,000 US
windmills on the Navajo reservation at an initial per pump cost of $7,000.

The impact of such savings could be profound. The United States
Department of Agriculture has concluded that the biggest expense for farmers
who experienced serious drought in the last two years is the cost of pumping
water. That cost has driven more farmers into bankruptcy than any other
single factor.

Appropriate Technology Development will work with China to have a joint
venture manufacturing operation in Shanghai. And it also will start making
pumps in Tucson sometime soon.