Re: Space Quantum Medium

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 14:19:20 -0800 (PST)

Hi Niels et al!

You wrote;
> ...The device is patented (patent # CH 687 428 A5) and consists of a
> number of concentric coils influenced by a certain combination of
dc currents and dc pulses.
> According to the theories, the SQM fills everything even the
so-called empty space
> and byattenuating and condensing this space quantum medium (ether)
at an
> appropriate frequency, energy can be extracted at certain zones.
Oliver Crane
> claims this is possible by virtue of a combination of permanent
magnets and
> variable magnets. This way, it is possible to extract many Amperes
of energy based
> upon a low voltage input.

I've been monitoring the RQM site for several years now and a friend
claims to have witnessed or been involved a test of their overunity
motor. He thinks they really have something but the last time I
checked (before today), they had no product to sell and were still
seeking financing.

Based on your information, I checked out the site and they do appear
to now have products, with an estimated delivery date of 3 months
after payment, though I did not see any overunity type motors or
claims for that matter.

At any rate, this sounds like the Hubbard coil which in one
configuration diagram I've seen claims to use 8 smaller coils
surrounding a single central coil. The idea being that the central
coil would be triggered and each of the 8 would serve to tap more
energy in the inductive transfer than was initially used on the
central primary There surely was a frequency that worked best, though
I've never heard of one that worked by anyone I know of.

A Russian scientist claims by using the 'matrioshka' design (the
wooden doll within doll within doll, etc..) but using a coil within a
coil within a coil, etc...that he could sweep a magnetic field either
inward or outward to produce phenomena...most specifically slowing
down time...I believe the report said 1 second was lost in the mass
under test at the center of this pattern.

Keely's claim that 'time is gravity' would mean there should have been
a slight weight loss inside the unit during this swept magnetic field
as well as the temporal shift.

I think this technique offers much promise. The trick would be
properly entraining aether...heck, mass does in the
Puthoff/Rueda/Haisch paper on 'Entrained ZPE as the Cause of
Inertia' you should be able to produce an effect; gravity,
energy, time, by using matter or energy, moving in the proper patterns
to couple and temporarily bind aether to move in a preferred direction.

An inward sweeping motion would increase weight and accelerate time.

An outward sweeping motion would decrease weight and slow time.

As has been stated in many other places....

Another option is the use of capacitive, dielectric, or pure electric
type fields, possibly using the high voltage impulse type spikes that
Ken Carrigan is talking about.....

Thanks for sharing that Niels!

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