Re: Maxwell's Equations

John Berry ( )
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 22:43:49 +1300

Ahh, Great!
Keelynet did have a page from the same fellow but the URL went dead, But off of
the email address Ren gave I found the page again!

Marinus Berghuis wrote:

> At 23:30 11/01/99 -0600, you wrote:
> >Hi everybody,
> >
> >Well, I just gotta through my two cents in here cause ya'll are talking
> about my
> >passion. A real live space, faster than the speed of light, ship. And I
> have for some
> >years now been sorting this out, let me see if we're talking about the
> same thing.
> >See, I think that if you took and built yourself a giant alternator with
> >electro-magnetic air gap bearings on the shaft to eliminate friction, and
> wired it so
> >that it didn't put any current out but fed each energy pulse back into
> itself, would
> >
> Gentelmen gentlemen !!!
> Please hear my message loud and clear !!
> Look up and print out
> He has the generator, the proof and the theory to build a spaceship.
> Thinking the same as all of you but explains the why and the wherefor's.
> Hunglish !! slightly eskew some times but perfectly understandable even for
> a dunce like me.
> REN.
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