(no subject)

Euejin Jeong ( ejeong@bga.com )
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 23:00:09 -0600

To all;

I fully agree with Jerry as someone who claims to see the secret of it, it
truly is simple.
All you need is to see it in the right direction and focus. I don't know if
gravity reduction belt will be a practical idea. I don't see why it can't
be materialized though if we can eliminate the possiblity of the strong EM
effect on the body by wearing a strong shielding vest.
Someone has correctly pointed out that the true method of success of FE
technology should be by the form of a corporate. Firtst of all, without the
worldy method of liscensing, production and profit, it won't be able to
accumulate enough strength to support itself to prevail. A corporate is a
living animal, it has to be fed by the desire of greed to survive. But
eventually the desire of greed makes people happy and comfortable with
cleaner environment and more devotion to work on totally different
motivation: not for surviving but for pleasure and enjoyment for the
betterment of human society. When the living becomes enjoyment and not a
fight for the surviving, people will focus more on creative adventures than
simply trying to accumulate wealth for power.
So, please do not expect that any practical revolutionary ideas will be
released without paying the proper price. You have to help it to get on its
own feet. If I ever have the chance to become a legislator, I'll give the
total financial freedom for the inventors who at least have one record of
producing a device that will help human society for the better . But it
will be realized only after the FE device becomes a common commodity if it
ever will.


Like many I've communicated, I think when we actually achieve it,

first of all we will be stupified at how simple it was and that we
could collectively overlook something so obvious for so long,

secondly will come all the permutations as many other and in some
cases totally new branches of science will open up.

My dream is to fly with a gravity reduction belt...I expect to
experience that before I'm ready for the next class...<g>..

--           Jerry Wayne Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com         http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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