Re: 40% Overunity??

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:45:24 -0500

Jer, et all,

see below....
>> I don't see the correlation as we don't know how Tesla's circuit could
>> have been manipulating a signal so that it was thus phased (electrical
>> concurrent with magnetic fields).
>But what if the fields, (electrical concurrent with magnetic fields) are
>already in place and he (Tesla) was tapping the potential derived from the
>oscillations referred to by Mr. Norris?
In Dec... there was this email I found that I just can not get off my mind.. as
it goes along with ALL my beliefs and more. Diac pulses I have always
advocated which is essentially a infinate pulse with infinite amplitude..
of all frequencies. Now Tesla was on to this... as he used it for manifesting
some surprising affects... namely this.....

"Tesla found that impulse duration alone defined the effect of each succinct
spectrum. These effects were completely distinctive, endowed with strange
additional qualities never purely experienced in Nature. Moreover, Tesla
observed distinct color changes in the discharge space when each impulse
range had been reached or crossed. Never before seen discharge colorations
did not remain a mystery for long. Trains of impulses, each exceeding 0.1
millisecond duration, produced pain and mechanical pressures. In this
radiant field, objects visibly vibrated and even moved as the force field
drove them along. Thin wires, exposed to sudden bursts of the radiant
field, exploded into vapor. Pain and physical movements ceased when
impulses of 100 microseconds or less were produced. These latter features
suggested weapon systems of frightful potentials.

With impulses of 1.0 microsecond duration, strong physiological heat was
sensed. Further decreases in impulse brought spontaneous illuminations
capable of filling rooms and vacuum globes with white light. At these
impulse frequencies, Tesla was able to stimulate the appearance of effects
which are normally admixed among the electromagnetic energies inherent in
sunlight. Shorter impulses produced cool room penetrating breezes, with an
accompanying uplift in mood and awareness. There were no limits in this
progression toward impulses of diminished duration. None of these impulse
energies could be duplicated through the use of high frequency harmonic
alternations, those which Sir Oliver Lodge popularized, and which later was
embodied in Marconi Wave Radio. Few could reproduce these effects because
so few understood the absolute necessity of observing those parameters set
by Tesla. These facts have been elucidated by Eric Dollard, who also
successfully obtained the strange and distinct effects claimed by Tesla..."

These FAST FAST rise times are essential! Now is this OR/aether/vacuum...
that is concentrated and used for Tesla's amazing experiments? Sure!!! It
was not anywhere near... pure current.. nor was it Electrons!! The bus bar
that Telsa used to light several lights.. also indicates NO electrons could have
done that. Floyd Sweet also manifested this amazing "current" (which is NOT
current but what??) Newmans motor.. which is close to overunity uses these
rapid arc discharges.. and lots of wire.

Seem like Bearden was/is on the same track. Potential without current... long
wires.. more resistive says Telsa... and FAST make/break contacts. Tesla
even abandoned his AC generation for his NEW methods of power generation
and distribution. He definitely was onto something... and Diac is the name of
the game. Even the Rife Ray tube.. my opinion was that it ARC'd over inside
the tube.. with a "FLASH" that people had noted. That Flash was probably an
arc.. to allow for this concentrated aether. Also the PAPIM device also pulses
extremely fast.. like Dirac .. and is said to heal ones body or correct

I can go on and on.... with similarities using Dirac.. as even the Philadelphia
Experiment can be said to use this principle. The Tesla generators out today
do NOT represent what Telsa was doing. It is the fast arc that must be achieved
for to capture concentrated OR/aether/vacuum and use it to elicit similarities
to electron affect.

v/r Ken Carrigan