Re: gas from coal

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 18:52:59 -0600

Hi Theo et al!

With regard to the two flying men accounts that I quoted from Bullards
book, both were well before 1880...there are also accounts from Germany
and other countries, not to mention the many accounts of saints and
acolytes who are seen to fly or float when in a state of religious

I did a lecture on this many years ago which had many, many such
references and correlations and was on an old Apple 3 computer...god,
makes me feel old, but I got it on a trade and it worked so what the
heck, I used it. Should try to retrieve those records as a file for

As to the Menil collection of Dellschau's drawings...I spoke on several
occasions with Pete Navarro, the man who found the drawings initially.
He and Jimmy Ward were friends and I tracked Peter through Jimmy. Now
Jimmy wasn't in the best of health and died in 1995 I believe.

But as far as I know Pete is still alive in Houston and greatly
treasures his privacy. He explained to me that his wife was blind and
that he worked at night, so they weren't setup for visitors or anything
but close friends so I have respected that and called only when

He seems to be a very nice guy and we last communicated back around 1996
when he sent me a Christmas card of an aeroship. Pete said he sold most
of the books of drawings but KEPT a couple. He says there appeared to
be a set and as far as he could ascertain, some of the set has never
been found. I believe he said he originally stumbled on these as trash
and retrieved them from being lost.

I'm not too sure of there being a code though if the NYMZA group was
involved, that could be so. Somewhere, those suits and wings and
flappers and gas generator/heaters must be lying in some old attic,
garage or warehouse, not recognized for what they are. Probably
thinking they were part of some theatrical venture when in fact they
could really work...<g> if you find something like that...

I'll repeat a story a friend told me of a flying man that was seen I
believe in the 1960's. This is a 1st hand report from the husband of
the woman and her friend who saw this.

The husband was working on a tropical island and the families lived on a
very tiny neighboring island that had a small airstrip and helipad. A
continous paved road went comlpletely around the island and could be
ridden on bicycle in about 2 hours.

There wasn't much to do on this island once the husbands left for work,
so my friends wife and her friend would excercise by riding their bikes
around the island, stopping after the first hour, then riding back home.

Most of the time, the weather was very clear and cool being it was a
tropical island in a small chain. A military base was on a nearby
island where they did testing of various projects.

One day they made their ride and stopped to drink some water and rest.
One of the ladies happened to notice a glinting in the air and looked up
to see a man hovering in the air about 200 feet up and wearing a silvery

She was startled and got the other womans attention so she too would
look up. Both women stood there in awe, watching this man just hover in
the air. They said there was no noise, no propellers, jet or any
indication of equipment other than the silver suit. The hovering man
seemed to ignore their presence and was looking out over the island.
After several minutes, he spun slowly in the air and began moving out to
sea, as if blown by wind or using some kind of advanced propulsion.
There was no noise and he picked up speed as he moved out over the
water. The two women couldn't believe what they'd seen and told their
husbands about it that night. The husbands got together and the stories
matched to the letter. This mystery sighting was never published as the
people involved are very private and wanted no publicity. The best they
could figure was this was either a secret military project or someone
with advanced technology of their own there to spy on the base
activities. I know the lady and she confirmed the story when I asked
her about it. She was a bit surprised that her husband had told me.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187