Re: gas from coal

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 00:56:37 -0600

Hi Folks!

Terry Bastian and Theo posted comments which are at the bottom of this
email. It is interesting that Randall Mills of Blacklight Power claims
to have discovered 'fractional' energy states for hydrogen and which
might well apply to other elements to provide completely new and unknown
properties. Here is an excerpt from one of the Blacklight pages;
The theory behind the BlackLight Process was first developed and
published by BlackLight's founder and president, Dr. R. L. Mills between
1986 and 1989.

Dr. Mills has extended his breakthrough work since that time. Its key
implication has remained constant: that hydrogen atoms can achieve
stable (fractional) energy states below the ground state (one) that is
generally accepted by conventional atomic theory.

In fact BlackLight laboratories have definitively demonstrated that
hydrogen atoms can be induced to achieve these fractional energy states
by a catalytic reaction that releases energy that is intermediate
between chemical and nuclear energy.

In the process of achieving these lower energy states, energy is
released as heat via the catalyst and a new composition of matter is
produced in the form of lower energy hydrogen, called "hydrinos."

These lower-energy atomic hydrogen products ("hydrinos") produced by the
BlackLight Process react with an electron to form a hydride ion which
further reacts with elements other than hydrogen (e.g. K, Ti, etc.) to
form novel compounds. These compounds are the proprietary property of
the company and provide the basis for what will certainly prove to be a
revolution in the chemical and physical sciences.

The full report is at;
Descriptions of the mystery gas as used in the Sonora Aeroships from the
1850s in Sonora, California can be found at;