Re: The Problem

Euejin Jeong ( )
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 18:36:07 -0600

Hi Jerry;

Jerry, thanks for giving me the subscription to post messages in the
Keelynet. I lurked around this board several times but I never felt the
urge to post any messages. I read your message today and also the stories
of "been there and done that". But you know what? The real problem is that
there is no theoretical understanding of those strange events. I believe
the phenomenon is real. Then one thing is obvious. We do not even know EM
theory in its full content in this great age of technology. Some of you may
know me by my theory of Dipole Anti-Gravity. I'm a professional Ph.D.
physicist. What am I doing here?
Well, I want to announce to you guys that the mystery of the Hamel and
Searl's machine has been solved. I recently found what's happening exactly
and what have we been missing all these years. I want to present the theory
in a group of a seminar and explain exactly what is going on for the
advancement of technology on earth. I need some of you guys to form a group
of a seminar meeting so that I can have a chance to present it.
You will need some knowledge of the vector calculus and a good
understanding of Maxwell's equation and also some of the background
informations of Hamel and Searl's machine to appreciate the beauty of the
theory. See you guys in the meeting.. Visit the web page for more info


-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry W. Decker []
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 1999 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: The Problem

Hi Justin et al!

As long as we don't get too far out of topics on the KeelyNet list, I
think the subgroup idea is already happens anyway with a
thread that is continued and stayed on, but it invariably brings up
other subjects which means the thread title needs to be changed when it
changes way off its original topic.

As to the idea of a collective, KeelyNet has always promoted that,
unfortunately, people do love to talk and just won't back up or support
any real work...I know, I've tried several times over the years and have
come to the very realistic conclusion that nothing will happen along
these lines without a patron(ess) or from my own efforts and funding.

I have had many meetings with 'investors', always they want control or
information/technology without expenditure.

Sadly, people either don't have the trust or confidence in what their
money will be used for or they have ulterior motives, wanting some kind
of lock on whatever is discovered...ain't gonna least for me
to be involved with it...

A story...the last attempt to setup a workshop and project...I had one
group of engineers in Switzerland who offered $500 if they could be
assured the money would be used exclusively to build the Hamel machine.

You well know that David Hamel spent $3000.00 just for the cheapie Radio
Shack magnets he used...and it is much more complex than people suspect,
look at all the time and money Pierre Sinclaire has spent on it with no
success to date. Way in excess of $3000.00.

I used to be one of those who said it can't cost that much...but reality
sets in when you realize what all is involved, with equipment, a
workspace, prototype materials and hopefully an opportunity to work on
something full time...but you have to make a living and take care of
your personal life....interesting quandary.

If people even had a clue as to what would ensue from the basic has been said over and over and over on the KeelyNet BBS
emails and files as well as in other venues and by a very, very few
other people but I'll say it again;

If we can learn to alter the flow of aether/zpe into mass, we can;

1) control the weight of any mass
this will of course cause a revolution in transportation,
exploration, discovery and colonization

2) use the weight control to drive a very heavy wheel that is
kept offcenter by making one half much lighter than the other,
thereby making for free energy production by using gravity like
a turbine...yes, a gravity turbine to produce power

3) time slows down when gravity is reduced, as Keely has so clearly
said, 'Time is Gravity', that means that if you sleep or live in
a reduced gravity field, your body heals and to a great degree
REJUVENATES...thereby extending and qualifying life

Those are the basic results, there are so many more, but those with
money just don't get it, think the whole thing is crazy, don't trust
those of us who want to make it so or fear the ramifications to society
and government (which are considerable and unavoidable).

So, I am working in my own way (as are many), using the extension of
KeelyNet, the list and many, many contacts. Time goes on, life goes on,
you just do the best you can with what you have and hope for the best.
That includes not deluding yourself or wasting your time with claims
that can't or won't be proved.

Thanks for your, John and everyone elses' enthusiasm...perhaps something
good will come of it but as they say, 'been there, done that'....

--           Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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