Re: The Problem

John Berry ( )
Thu, 07 Jan 1999 20:09:47 +1300

"Jerry W. Decker" wrote:

> As to the idea of a collective, KeelyNet has always promoted that,
> unfortunately, people do love to talk and just won't back up or support
> any real work...I know, I've tried several times over the years and have
> come to the very realistic conclusion that nothing will happen along
> these lines without a patron(ess) or from my own efforts and funding.

You are totally right, This will depend totally on the actions of the people
reading this, It will fail if the people don't act on it.

> A story...the last attempt to setup a workshop and project...I had one
> group of engineers in Switzerland who offered $500 if they could be
> assured the money would be used exclusively to build the Hamel machine.
> You well know that David Hamel spent $3000.00 just for the cheapie Radio
> Shack magnets he used...and it is much more complex than people suspect,
> look at all the time and money Pierre Sinclaire has spent on it with no
> success to date. Way in excess of $3000.00.

That is why I am hoping that the people in the group will agree to try some
of the smaller experiments that are cheaper yet easier to understand the
basic principle.