Acoustic Superconductivity??

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 07 Jan 1999 00:13:32 -0600

Hi Folks!

A few years ago at a Tesla conference in Colorado Springs, I stayed over
so I could catch the remaining Sunday presentations. Most people had to
be at work Monday, so flew home Sunday afternoon.

I believe this was 1994. At 5PM, there was a presentation by a small
group which dealt with using frequencies to stimulate conductors for the
purpose of 'graduating' or reducing the resistance in mass. The purpose
was to achieve higher efficiencies. =

I was totally enthralled as it was pure Keely and possibly related to
Sweet and others who might have inadvertently achieved a form of room
temperature superconductivity or even negative resistance.

If it had been achieved, it wasn't a stable effect but certainly
deserves more work, so I talked with a couple of these folks after the
lecture and on mentioning Keely and his graduation to entrain aether,
they seemed kind of spooked and said they were working on patents and
couldn't discuss any details.

I never heard anything else about them all these years. Yesterday I
received an email from a fellow who I believe was or is part of that
group and he sent a URL describing their work with achieving what he
states is room temperature superconductivity using a ringing effect
produced by frequencies in copper wire.

It is one of the most intriguing documents I've ever read and I
certainly hope you take the time to read it and possibly correspond with
David Ewing. I sent David an email asking if they were planning to sell
these $350 prototypes or version thereof or to sell construction plans
so that people could experiment with the device, please add to this and
ask him if his group might be willing to let us all have access to this
fascinating information. =

Here is a brief excerpt and please do read and save the entire document
for yourself;


It is known that coppers' electron mass at rest is M=3D9.107 x 10=AF =B3=B9=
=2E It
has odd electrons and is paramagnetic which exhibits magnetic resonance.
The magnetic flow in copper brushing the atoms causes atomic vibration
which, in turn, produces a ringing effect. =

When superconductivity is in place, agitation of the atoms is prevented. =

This allows voltage to flow freely because there is little or no atomic
vibration; thus, reducing resistance. Magnetic resonance is a phenomena
exhibited by the magnetic spin system of certain atoms, whereby the spin
system absorbs energy at a a specific resonant frequency when subjected
to an alternating magnetic field. =

The key factor is that the resonant frequency aligns or stabilizes the
atomic vibration much like superconductivity does allowing the atoms to
remain in the same place. Likewise, harmonic radio frequency produces
the same desired effect. =


The transmission of electricity using a medium at room temperature is
hampered by thermal resistance caused by the mediums atoms oscillating
at an unstable rate.


By arranging the atoms in synchronous alignment, the transmission of
electricity can be accomplished at room temperature without thermal
resistance. =

Radio frequency oscillation aligns the atoms by using an external jacket
that surrounds the medium which, in turn, magnetically aligns the atoms
allowing the free transmission of electrons. =

Theoretically, another way to align the atoms in a 60 Hertz signal is to
ride the sine wave similar to the way noise travels. The high-frequency
signal piggybacks the sine wave and aligns the atomic structure by
magnetic waves. =


This $350 working DC prototype utilizes high frequency, high voltage in
a manner that feeds back on itself. =

That is to say, this device uses small amounts of voltage to produce
large amounts of energy. The unit works off of 24VDC that feeds an
oscillator producing 2 kV. =

This feeds across the capacitor and the neon gas bulb. In tests using a
24 VDC battery to feed the oscillator, on one side of the capacitor -500
VDC was produced, and on the the other side -430 VAC (Fig. 1). An
oscilloscope showed 1.3 volt peak to peak wave feeding the DC side. =

This by itself was not enough power to maintain the system for long
periods of time. However, when the wave fed the positive input back
into the device, the energy increased.

High voltage output, either positive or negative, is not normally fed
into the positive circuit of a lesser voltage because of thermal
degradation due to the resistance. =

However, when the RF and the voltage are harmonically aligned there is
no creation of heat. This unique aspect allows the system to feed back
on itself. =

Tests prove that without the positive feed, the circuit depletes itself
within a matter of minutes.

With our design, the same circuit will run for months without draining
any noticeable power from the battery.

The entire document is at;

-- =

Jerry Wayne Decker / / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187