Re: Fw: ZeroPoint/Overunity Devices; Griggs role model
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 19:33:34 +1000

>A balanced_ shape, such as a sphere or Platonic solid, will, on the other
>> hand, concentrate aether at its "neutral" center. This can also be tapped,
>> using a different principle. The force must be brought out using a material
>> with a non-linear response, and being in sympathetic resonance with the
>> field. The force may then be directly converted to a charge potential,
>> resulting in electron flow from the aforementioned material.
> I find this most interesting and was wandering if you could expend on it

Not without going into more detail than I can afford to at present. The
material is ferroelectric, an emitter of free elctrons, and of the same
resonance as the induced scalar field.

Peter Nielsen