Feberrus - Re: Hex - Re: No Free Energy?

donadams ( donadams@telusplanet.net )
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 19:38:06 -0500


Your forthright and candid manner is very much appreciated!

Feberrus@aol.com wrote:
> i am not offended by criticism of americans (most is true) i feel i should
> inform you our country was formed by a masonic conspiracy.

Please understand, all who may read this, I derive no pleasure in criticizing
America, in fact it saddens me greatly whenever I dwell on these kinds of thoughts.
As a child I went through a period where in many ways I idolized your country and many of its
historic figures... in fact there were times when I was quite harsh in viewing
my own country, I felt our history and country seemed quite bland and ineffectual
when compared to yours... but as I grew older I realized that I had been viewing
things in a distorted fashion and had placed value on some things which I shouldn't
have... I am not a patriotic fanatic over Canada but I do confess to be proud
of Canada, its history, multi-culturalism etc... in ways I hadn't imagined
I would have when young. In actuality, rather than being proud of a physical
block of land and a social group of people (Canadians), I am proud that certain
values, concepts, ideas and actions are practiced here...and these include things
such as the pursuit of peace and understanding (Canada appears to have much in common
with countries such as Switzerland, and oddly I find that I have always gotten along
particularly well with the Swiss)... but since these are and should
be things that transcend physical boundaries it makes it difficult to be 'proud'
to belong to a certain physical block of land as this is not where my focus should be...
many Canadians simply do not have even close to the notion of patriotism as practiced
in other countries, there is virtually never any event or occurence that stirs us
up into fanaticism... in the end it simply has no meaning. I also would not
critique America with out being open to being critiqued by Americans or having
Canada criticised, I am NOT claiming that Canada is better than the US. We
all as people have our weaknesses and strengths... Canada has its own equal share
to be sure.... I simply began this tirade when I had felt I had been unfairly provoked
by a member on here who seemed to use 'stereo-typical' yankee tactics of shoot
first and ask questions later, but it appears I have been rather rescued by this
scenario by other Americans who obviously do NOT fit the stereo-type and whom
I applaud greatly... I had hoped that this would be the case in a small way as a part
of me still has hope in what I percieve to be the 'good, just and noble Americans'.

>and that you are in trouble from them in canada.

Yes Feberrus, I beleive you are right about this.. I also have been observing 'from behind the shadows'
of the incursions made into Canada and other Commonwealth countries such as Australia and
New Zealand. There is no longer that many 'safe zones' left, certainly not anywhere
in metropolitan or rural community Canada.

> data is being monitored in new zealand (all telephone and e-mail) and their is a new world order plan > underway some of your canadian military
> bases have become under u.n. control and this is not the worst i have
> researched this and as bad and far out as it sounds there are 23 bases in the
> u.s.a. that are concentration camps they were made by president reagan
> (operation rex 84)
> this sounds very nutty but it is true i checked on it

Yes it does sound nutty, but alas I believe what you say is true.... it is partially
out of this knowledge that I made my first plea on here for someone who might have knowledge
to step forward to assist us, the common man.... I was feeling rather frustrated when
writing it...and of course the first response back I get is Hexlingers' comment attacking
me for being a whiny, sit on my ass, commie pinko socialist.... yeesh! Hence my frustrated
response! Like life doesnt already suck and isnt hard enough to begin with, but I also have
to deal with attitudes like his! And just for the record Hex, in case you happen to be reading
this, unlike you.... I DON'T hate you, I just hate the things you said and your attitude.
But enough of this subject, I appreciate GREATLY the encouraging feedback and the warm postive
attitude you've all shown but I fear we are in danger of showing disservice to Jerry and his
message board should we continue on this line... I wish to respect his desire to maintain
the theme of this interchange as being focused on free energy and other related topics.
So I will withdraw back to my remote and junior level of position amongst the knowledgeable
people on here and hope that I learn something and maybe able to occasionally dart in and offer
something of some worth to someone on here.... my apologies in advance for having occupied
far to much diskspace on matters unrelated to this board to begin with, please forgive me
if I have seemed to carry on with far too much verbiage.

Respectfully yours,

Don J. S. Adams