Re: Hex - Re: No Free Energy?

donadams ( )
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 18:01:28 -0500

Feberrus, may I extend an intial hand of friendship across the border? wrote:
> hey hex you asshole leave tha canadian alone he is right life and existence
> should be free only greedy capitalists screw it up. anyone want FREE data on
> how to make copper-chloride solar cells contact me.see that FREE no cost or
> obligation i'm actually doing something not motivated by material gain does
> that blow your mind hex

I commend you on your truly humane and altrusitic words... thank God the 'Real
American Spirit' still exists... I know I may sound corny here but frankly I don't
give a damn! The world groans in pain for lack of folks like you! I would love
to acquire the data of which you speak, if there is ever anything I can assist
you with please just ask! I don't know if its of interest but I have very interesting
commentary from James Bare regarding our conversation on electronic telepathy using
the Rife Plasma device (and accelerated learning and memory transference) and also some
data on modifying morphogenic fields with plasma waves in organic lifeforms! If you
would like this let me know.... I would have to ask James first if its ok to provide this
out but I ma sure he would be ok with it?

Take care mon ami!

Your friend from Alberta, Canada

Don J.S. Adams