[Fwd: [afs] (fwd) Oxylist ED McCABE SUMMARY AND UPDATE]

Cal Schindel ( cal@spinweb.com )
Fri, 03 Jul 1998 17:15:28 -0600

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From: jeff.gordon@wellnow.com
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Date: Sun, 05 Jul 1998 18:35:27 -0400
To: "Advanced Freedom Solutions List" <afs@ripple.dundee.net>
Subject: [afs] (fwd) Oxylist ED McCABE SUMMARY AND UPDATE
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Posted by: request <jeff.gordon@wellnow.com>

The following message is forwarded to you by jeff.gordon@wellnow.com
>Date: Sun, 05 Jul 1998 10:54:39 -0700
>Subject: (oxy) Oxylist ED McCABE SUMMARY AND UPDATE

Hello All,

Ed McCabe called us yesterday morning. He sounds weaker and more lonely
than we had heard him before. If you would care to write to Ed, I'm sure
he would apprecioate it VERY MUCH. The smallest kindness can mean a lot
to a person in prison.

In the absence of a more complete address, the following will probably

Edward J. McCabe
Federal Registry # 08536-052
C/O Madison County Jail
Wampsville, NY


Edward Joseph McCabe, noted author and lecturer on oxygen therapies, was
on the morning of April 2 with a federal grand jury indictment filed April
1, 1998 in the US
District Court for the Northern District of New York, Criminal Action No.
on 12 counts of violations of 26USC and 18 USC.

He went to court for arraignment in Syracuse, NY on April 7 and was taken
directly to
prison at the Syracuse, NY Onondaga County Justice Center, where he was
held for about
a month.

>From there, he was sent on a grueling sojourn around the US prison system
enroute to the
Federal Medical Center in Rochester, Minnesota, where he was held for
weeks awaiting psychiatric
evaluation for competence to stand trial.

At the Federal Medical Center, he was pronounced sane and extremely bright
and transferred to the Federal
Correctional Institute at Otisville, NY, where he spent about a week
before being shipped
out again June 30 to Madison County Jail in Wampsville, NY. He is
presently in The Hole there, has
been deprived of writing materials and is not allowed to shower. These
are all various forms of the legal coercion referred to in the NOTICE OF
COMPLAINT detailed on the next page. A HEARING is scheduled for July 6 in
Syracuse, NY on a MOTION TO DISMISS. It is to be a non-participatory
hearing, which means
neither Ed nor anyone else will be present to argue Ed s defense. A judge
will sit in her
chambers with the MOTION TO DISMISS and decide the issue.

Ed McCabe is in prison on tax issues so the charges read. However,
consider that
oxygen therapy masters past have suffered character assassination,
imprisonment, even death in consequence of their work promoting the
life-giving truth
of oxygen therapies.

Oxygen therapies are so ACCESSIBLE, INEXPENSIVE and EFFECTIVE that they
represent a major threat to the medical/pharmaceutical cartel. Much in
product and procedure would be displaced were oxygen therapies to gain
wide acceptance. It s no coincidence when those who work effectively to
promote oxygen
therapies meet with major obstacles. The history is there for those who
care to look. Truth and the public interest are all too often casualties
in the business world -when they threaten powerful ruthless vested
financial interests.

It s a sad situation when the public interest must lose out to the
machinations of vested
financial interest; we say it is a crime.

Ed s legal defense team, headed by Howard Griswald, has worked for months
to produce
a NOTICE OF COMPLAINT against the authorities who have jailed Ed McCabe
and violated
his legal rights. The charges made by the complaint are serious indeed.
It reads, in part:

This complaint is forwarded to your office to prevent an apparent
Breach of the Public Trust, and preserve the due process of law. It
is crucial to public confidence in the courts that Judges be seen as
enforcing the law and obeying it themselves.

I look forward to your office s prompt reply and I stress to you that
it is not so much their rulings but their legally, ethically and morally
corrupt use of legal coercion and physical duress to gain the consent
of the accused that forms the basis of the complaint. Their actions
display to bias so pervasive as to rise to the level of mental
rendering them incapable of discharging their duties as United States
District Court Judges and Magistrates....

The appearance of the complaint on the Chief Justice s desk, in
combination with media
exposure of the fact, can apply withering pressure on the court and serve
notice that the

As one member of Ed s legal defense team has told me:

These Federal Officials do not like exposure.

The only way to keep this complaint alive would be by public

Exposure is the only way to push forward any issue with PUBLIC

The logistic here is to embarrass every [official] who touches this

"You must notify the people involved, how simply corrupt the system
of Courts are in this country."

It is ironic that right now President Clinton is censuring China re: human
rights in
Tibet while here in Clinton s own backyard, Ed s and many others human
rights are
being trampled.

Some people say this fight is none of their business, but when the
government operates
above the law, it is EVERYBODY S business. I got involved in this issue
because I happen
to be working in the field of oxygen therapies and I have become aware of
the great
benefit they hold for people. Ed McCabe is a close associate of our
circle and we know
him as a man who has dedicated his life to spreading the truth about
oxygen therapies.
There isn t any doubt in my mind that Ed is not a criminal and doesn t
belong in prison.
The choices he has made may not have been prudent in the individual sense,
given the
political climate in this country, but in fact Ed has broken no law, and
that s not something
one can rightfully say about the government itself. Ed is a good man in a
bad bind, who
can do little without compromising his principles to help himself at this
point. While it s
true he could have avoided his present situation by compromising those
principles, it s
also true that his work has been oriented toward securing the health and
rights of
everyone, and he deserves our support.

The court has made a mockery of law in its treatment of Ed McCabe. He is
only one of
many good people locked away as political prisoners in this country. He
just happens to
be one I became involved with and in good conscience I have to help him.

Most sincerely,


-- End of forwarded message

-- Jeff -- <jeff.gordon@wellnow.com>

Well Now(sm) Health Information & Ferret Corps(sm) Services
have no fees, but they're not "free". We ask that each pay
according to the value of what s/he receives, based on what
s/he feels s/he truly can afford. In this way we need never
turn anyone away, and folks who can pay more may know they
have helped their neighbors who can pay just a little.


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