Re: Don Smith space energy device plans

Gerald O'Docharty ( (no email) )
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 19:59:30 -0400

Jerry, is that based on the design Don was showing in Colorado Springs a
couple years ago which he could'nt get to work? I still have the prints
from that one we tried to help him with. Wasn't he saying that you don't
need current just voltage to get power or something to that effect? We
all thought he was a bit confused. Did you ever figure out if he
actually had something else in mind or was he just ignorant of basic
electricity fundamentals?

-Gerald O'

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Chris!
> Don sells what he says are working units for about $2000 each. Last
> time I got something from him, he was saying GIGAwatts of power could
> now be generated...spend the bucks and tell us....but ask for a money
> back guarantee or put it in escrow awaiting proof of it
> should be with anyone selling anything...
> --