RE: Tesla Questions

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 07:31:58 +1200

For Crying Out Loud!!! Would everyone just take their lithum and calm down!

I don't know the full story behind the whole matter...and frankly I don't
care to be blasted it because I belong to a "SCIENTIFIC LIST".

If you want to create a disscussion list about either "Jerry Made Fun Of My
Machine", or "Perreault Hunting Season", go straight ahead. If there are
any people out there who feel the same way...please don't send "me too" will only aid in the inflating of my ego.

As to all sides...Shut up, or deliver...Frankly I don't care if someone
says...such and such said this, or, such in such said that. It reminds me
of a 7 year old school student trying to say what happend in a fight over
who could climb highest up the firemans pole. It servse no perpose but to
make those who are offeneded by such remarks to not take pity on them, and
others to say"that is true". All it does do is "widends the gap", which
being a scientist, I do not wish to do.

So more posts unless they are of a constructive matter.

I rest my case

Matthew Redmond
(soon to consider public addressing)