Re: Tesla - for the record

Grant Fraser ( )
Tue, 23 Jun 1998 12:43:30 -0700

Bruce A. Perreault wrote:

> Jerry Decker is now accusing me of being a theif for charging money for
> these patents!
> I could have been selfish and kept these patents to myself and they
> probably would have never surfaced. Now that I have recovered most of my
> cost in researching these patents
> I have lowered the costed by over 60% of what they would cost if you
> were to order them from the patent offices. What is wrong with me making
> a couple of bucks to pay my phone bill each month Jerry?

After having visited your website I have to take your side.

1)You haven't claimed that any of the ideas are yours. No theft there.
2)You have given out the patent numbers so that anyone else can order
them on their own from the patent office. No theft there.
3)You are distributing the patents without paying a royalty to either
the inventors familly or the patent office. Royalties are not
required. No theft there.

You have found the basic principal of free enterprise. If somebody has
a problem with that perhaps they need to look around the world and
discover what happens without it.

Cheers, Grant:?>

Ps. I don't plan to order it because I am a cheap bastard:)