Tesla - for the record

Bruce A. Perreault ( (no email) )
Sun, 21 Jun 1998 17:32:20 -0400

To All,

Practical, clean energy is just a capacitor charge away. Tesla knew that
energy could
be amplified by charging and discharging capacitors. "The activity of
energy can be increased and wonderful things can result. Energy can be
taken out of a circuit at
rates of hundreds or thousands of horsepower." Tesla, in Colorado,
reached 18 million horsepower activities and it was always done with
this method:

"Energy is stored in a condenser and discharged in an inconceivably
small interval of time. You could not produce that activity with an
undamped wave. The damped wave is of advantage because it gives you,
with a generator of 1 kilowatt, an activity of 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, or
5,000 kilowatts; whereas, if you have a continuous or undamped wave,
1 kilowatt gives you only wave energy at the rate of 1 kilowatt and
nothing more."

"I have refined this so that I have been able to take energy out of
engines by drawing on their momentum. For instance, if the engine is of
200 horsepower, I take the energy out for a minute interval of time, at
a rate of 5,000 or 6,000 horsepower, then I store it in a condenser and
discharge the same at the rate of several millions of horsepower. That
is how these wonderful effects are produced. The condenser is the most
wonderful instrument, as I have stated in my writings, because it
enables us to attain greater activities than are practical with
explosives. There is no limit to the energy which
you can develop with a condenser. There is a limit to the energy which
you can develop with an explosive."

Tesla used this principle to power his electric car. Special primary
batteries were
used to give life to the cars vacuum-tube driven circuit. This circuit
pulses of energy to the 60 cycle motor. With this system the batteries
could run the
motor load many hours longer than if ordinary current was used. How do I
know that Tesla's car used primary batteries? I'll tell you...Tesla's
last living assistant
says so on an audio tape that he sent to me before he died. On this same
tape this assistant states that Tesla obtained 700 patents! Where are
they?, I asked
myself. I was only aware of 112 United States Patents. So, they must be
patents from
other countries. Back in 1986, when I received the audio tape, I said to
myself that
I would one day go to the Patent office to do a worldwide search for all
of Tesla's
Patents. One lucky day in the winter of 1997 I received a paper called
Prime Mover" that I had ordered from Rex Research, it was a copy of a
book titled "The Physics of the Primary State of Matter," date of
publication not shown but it was an
old publication. On page 248 it says, "This title expresses the dream or
final goal of the great physicist, Nikola Tesla (about 1905). In his
British Patent No. 8200," Whoa!, I was excited, British! I got on the
phone first thing Monday morning and ordered this patent from the Boston
Library. Once it arrived it contained other referenced patents of Tesla.
I then contacted the British Patent library and had them do a complete
search of their archieves. I also had the Canadian Patent office do a
complete search, as I knew from Tesla's assistant's message to me that
Tesla spent the last ten years of his life in a secluded laboratory
located in Canada. Needless to say that it costed me hundreds of dollars
of my own money to obtain these patents. It was well worth it to see
another dream take fuit. The very next thing thing I did when I received
them was to offer them on my website:


Jerry Decker is now accusing me of being a theif for charging money for
these patents!
I could have been selfish and kept these patents to myself and they
probably would have never surfaced. Now that I have recovered most of my
cost in researching these patents
I have lowered the costed by over 60% of what they would cost if you
were to order them from the patent offices. What is wrong with me making
a couple of bucks to pay my phone bill each month Jerry?

Jerry, you have stated your distaste for both Tesla and Edison in past
posts! You talk about suppression of inventors. How many inventors have
you knocked around this year? I'll tell you, 97% of us!!! It is you
Jerry who are one of the suppressors of inspiration. You have gone out
of your way to make people think that I am a "scam" and haved called me
every nasty, dirty name that you can think. I say stop! I will not sit
back and let you do this to me or any other inventors who are giving it
their best shot. So what if Joe Newman doesant have a shining
personallity or that his theories may be flawed or that Bruce Perreault
is paranoid. At least we are building things and trying to bring a
better life to people. What the hell are you doing? I say to you Jerry,
"PUT UP OR SHUT UP!" I won't go away until you mend your ways. I won't
sit idle while you destroy dreams. Yes, I am a dreamer, I have been this
way since a small child and I aways will be. Please Jerry, I beg you,
lighten up. You weren't always like this. What happened to make you
bitter? I want you as a friend and fellow peer not an enemy. We all need
your support! Enough said...

Alfred Hubbard, Edwin Gray and T.H. Moray used this capacitor principle
in their
designs to amplify power. There is an excellent article that Steve
Elswick has
published for me in his Exotic Research Magazine that just came out this
In it I explain Radiant energy power generation in plain language. Power
has to
come from somewhere, it can not be just plucked from nowhere. T.H.
Moray's system
used SAFE radioactive materials to charge high-voltage capacitors. The
converted this high voltage to a lower usable voltage at 6000 pulses per
The fact was that radioactive material was used in T.H. Moray's device.
If you do
not believe this then read it for yourself in the Military's Final
Report. This is available from my website for a small fee,


I have been researching radiant energy power generation for the second
half of my
life. It is my blood and my soul. I do not have a commercial product
available at
this time. However, give me time, I will work out all of the associated
problems if
giving support by my peers. We are out of time...this technology must be
if we are to survive. It must not be feared, it is a wonderous thing. My
door is
open, will any of you walk through and meet me on the other side to
share my dreams?

Warm regards,
-Bruce A. Perreault