Re: Tesla Questions

John Berry ( )
Sat, 20 Jun 1998 15:35:17 -0700

The Tesla Materialization Machine is a device obtained when someone
channelled Tesla, I have it.

Chroni Apolloni wrote:

> Hello.
> I've looked at a great deal of Tesla stuff... and I still have a
> couple of questions...
> First, is anyone aware of any evidence of him paying attention to
> areas such as laundry, dishes, or bathing? I can pretty much guess the
> basics of what he'd do, I hope... but I'm having a hard time finding
> anything that suggests he Did... and I'd find it very hard to believe
> he didn't flex his genius in that direction also.
> Second, does anyone have any information about "Tesla's
> Materialization Machine"? Tiera information services, is it?, has a
> peice of literature for sale by this name, and I don't doubt their
> reputation at this point, but I'm a little trepidatious about getting
> this sight-unseen and with no details, abstract or background.
> Many thanks.
> Chroni Apolloni
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