Re : Protecting against heart failure

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:27:43 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi Jerry & all

I was also intrigued by the Vortex post about a device which, for the first
time in medical history, produced actual regeneration of heart cells. Could
it be an EM frequency device ? I read the complete article on the link (not
much more informative than the short abstract), then did a search on "left
ventricular assist device" or LVDA. Turns out it's rather like a pump. Here
is a description from a heart disease page :

"..a mechanical pump-type device that is surgically implanted. It helps
maintain the pumping ability of a heart that is unable to effectively
function on its own.(snip) A typical type of LVAD will have a tube going
into the left ventricle that pulls blood from the ventricle into a pump. The
pump then sends blood into the aorta (the large blood vessel leaving the
left ventricle). This effectively "bypasses" the weakened ventricle. The
pump is placed in the upper part of the abdomen. Another tube attached to
the pump is brought out of the wall of the abdomen to the outside of the
body and attached to the control system for the pump. LVADs are typically
used for weeks to months."

I was sort of disappointed. But still it's good news for the sick !
Jean-Pierre Lentin