Magnetic Motor Bubble

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 14:39:00 -0500

Hi Folks!

This very interesting post was recently made to the freenrg list by
"Robert W. Gray" <>
Core dump... (I.e., this is a bit long, but I need to get this
information out...)

I have spent over a year working with a group of people
on John Searl's device(s). The group was in close contact
with Searl and tried the best we could to follow his instructions.
(Some fo this work is shown on the D.I.S.C. web page.)

After an unsuccessfull attempt to reproduce Searl's effect,
the group fell apart. Although I am still interested in
Searl's work, I descided to "take a break" and look into
Floyd Sweet's work a little.

After reading some stuff on Sweet's work from the web,
I began studying magnetic bubbles.

I think I found a way to make a magnet, properly magnetized,
move around another magnet in such a way as to get "over unity"

Because I have not seen this method described anywhere, I have
applied for a U.S.A. patent.

This might be the way Searl's stuff works, but, as I
just said, I have never heard Searl say anything about magnetic
bubbles, nor are they mentioned in any of his books.

Here is what I have found:

Consider a peice of thin magnetic magnetic material. A magnetic
bubble is a closed, usually cylindrical shaped, region which has
its magnetization direction in the opposite direction from the
magnetization direction outside the magnetic bubble. The bubble
wall is the transition from the inside of the magnetic bubble
to the outside of the magnetic bubble in which the magnetization
switches directions. This transition, say from North being "up"
to North being "down" can have many twists. These twists are
give rise to what are called "hard bubbles" and are labeled
by "State numbers" (S). The large in magnitude S is, the more
twists there are in the magnetic bubble wall. For example,
S = 10 has more twists than, say, S = 5.

As you may know, magnetic bubbles can move quite freely in
magnetic bubble material under the influence a a magnetic
field *gradient*.

But what you might not know is that the larger the magnitude of the
state number S for the magnetic bubble, the larger the deflection
angle will be from the direction of the magnetic field
gradient direction. The deflection angle will be from 0 to 90 degrees!

The state numbers are given + and - signs depending on whether
the bubble deflects to the right or the left of the magnetic
field gradient.

Now consider a material with thousands of magnetic bubbles in it
all with the same state number (S) sign (all "+" say). All the
magnetic bubbles in the material will want to move to the right
of an applied magnetic field gradient.

Next, you need to know 2 things about magnetic bubbles:
1) Magnetic bubbles try to repel each other.
2) Magnetic bubbles can be "pinned" in place or confined within
a region of the material by a number of different methods.

What this means is that it is possible to transfer the force
attempting to move the magnetic bubbles in the material at
an angle to the applied magnetic field gradient into a force
on the material at an angle to the magnetic field gradient.

So consider a magnetic field gradient (a large round, cylinder magnet.)
The magnetic field gradient will be in the radial direction all
around the magnet in the plane cutting through the cylinder magnet
1/2 way up the cylinder length and parallel to the 2 circular ends.

Now, another "normal magnet" placed in this plane
will move only radially "in" toward the cylinder magnetic or
radially "out" away from the cylinder magnetic. (This assumes
restricting this 2nd magnet so it can only move in the plane
mentioned above.)

But if this 2nd magnet is full of magnet bubbles, with all (or most)
of the bubbles' state number the same sign (say "+") then there
will be an additional force on the material at an angle
to the magnetic field gradient direction. This force may be
small compared to the "usual" force on the magnetic material, so the
component of the total force due to the magnetic bubbles pushing
on the material (at an angle to the magnetic field gradient)
may not be noticed. But if the material containning the magnetic
bubbles is restricted so it can not move in the radial direction,
but can freely move in a circle around the magnetic field
gradient source magnet, then the material containning the
magnetic bubbles will push the material around the source magnet.

| /
G | / B
| bubble |
| material |

G is the magnetic field gradient, B is the direction of the
force the magnetic bubbles will push the material and R is the
componet of B perpendicular to G.

Since the material is restricted from moving in the G direction,
only the R force will be left. So the material should move to
the right (or around the magnetic field gradient source as
explainned above.)

This is essentually the content of the patent I have applied for.

This *might* be the way Searl got magnetics to move around
other magnets, *but I don't know if it is or is not.* As far as
I know, Searl never mentioned magnetic bubbles.

Now, lets look at the way magnetic bubble arrays are created
(arrays of magnetic bubbles in a material.)

According to the literature (I'll give references below), you
apply a short magnetic pulses to the material. In some
cases, you apply a DC bias field and on top of that you apply
the pulses. There are some papers that show more than one
pulse is better (to create lots of bubbles) than just one pulse.

There has been some research which shows that above a certain
temperature, hard bubbles (|S| >> 0), which is what we want,
will no be formed.

Also, most research on bubble creation has been in the direction
of hard bubble suppression. I can't find a lot of references
to hard bubble creation.

Next, there is an issue about how to insure that the state sign
of the magnetic bubbles are all (or amost all) the same. When
the pulses are applied to generate the bubbles, they magnetization
in the bubbles wall can twist around "clockwise" or
"counter-clockwise". There is no preference.

I suggest that in addition to the magnetic field, the sample
(material to be magnetized) be
placed in an electric field during the magnetization process.
(Is this starting to sound familar or what!?) This will impose
a prefered direction for the magnetization twists during the
magnetization process. So, most of the magnetic bubbles produced
will have the same state sign.

So, magnetization process:

1) The material should probably be cooled. But this might not
be necassary (probably material type dependent.)

2) The material should be placed in an electric field during
the magnetization process. The magnitude of the electric
field will need to be determined by experimentation.

3) Apply a DC magnetic field to the sample close to the saturation
field strength.

4) Apply many magnetic field pulses. According to the literature,
these should be "short" pulses. Approx. MegHz range.

I am hoping to try this out on some BaFe(12)O(19) (Barium Ferrite)
magnets some day. (The magnets are on order, but I don't have the
equipment yet.) The DC field for the Barium Ferrite magnetics
will be approx 3500 Oe to 4000 Oe. Because of the rise time
requirements, I think the pulse magnetic field should be less than
200 Oe. (That's what I intend to try. Adjusting as more info
comes in, of course.) (I will try anistropic, Barium Ferrite,
made by "wet process" first because it has the lowest coercive
force (1,800 to 2,200 Oe.)

I have no guidence for the electric field.

Strontium Ferrite should also be tried, but it has a higher
coersive force rquirement (2,500 to 3,000 Oe.)

Also, I can't find any references on magnetic bubbles in Strontium
Ferrite, but I have found a reference which shows that magnetic
bubbles can be formed in Barium Ferrite.


(Everything I have written above can be found in the following
references with the exception of using the magnetic bubbles to
move the material which contians the magnetic bubbles.)

T. H. O'Dell, Magnetic Bubbles, 1974.
Pages 1 through 9 give an introduction to magnetic
bubbles and shows the formation of bubbles by
applying a pulse magnetic field. Easy reading.

T.H. O'Dell, Ferromagnetodynamics, 1981.
Pages 20 through 24 shows the deflection of "hard bubbles"
with respect to the magnetic field gradient direction.

C. Kooy and U. Enz, "Experimental and Theoretical Study of the
Domain Configuration in Thin Layers of BaFe(12)O(19)",
Philips Res. Pepts, Vol. 15, pp. 7-29, 1960.
This reference shows that magnetic bubbles can exist in
Barium Ferrite material and gives some magnetic field
strength numbers.

H. Junmin and R.M. Westervelt, "Commensurate-Incommensurate
Transitions in Magnetic Bubble Arrays With Periodic Pinning",
Physical Review B, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 771-774, 1997-II.
The only reason I give this reference is to show that it
is possible to pin magnetic bubbles in a material by laying
down permalloy dots and traces on the material surface. I
am not suggesting that this is the way to do it for above
application (unless all other methods fail).

R. Seshadri and R.M. Westervelt, "Forced Shear Flow of
Magnetic Bubble Arrays", Physical Review Letters, Vol. 70,
No. 2, pp. 234-237, 1993.
I give this reference only for the following quote:
"After 60 sec, the force was turned off and the array was allowed
to relax to avoid building up a preasure gradient opposed to the
flow." This is just what we want, a pressure on the bubble
material opposed to the "flow direction" of the magnetic bubbles.
(Granted, I am *assuming* this pressure is a result of the
bubbles piling up at the material edge and the material
pushing back on the bubbles. It doesn't explicitely state this.)

Does anyone see a problem with the physics here? Comments welcomed.

Bob Gray

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187