Re: Free energy dream

michael olson ( )
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 10:14:13 -0700

At the risk of sounding like a complete lun, I want to share a dream I
had last night. It probably came about because of conversing with Jerry
last night.Mabye it will inspire someone, and the "darker elements"
aren't something I "believe in"
I wont go into full detail, but I was with some people somewhere in the
states I believe. I was approached by a dark curly haired woman and
basically threatened, very subtely, by her. Made me feel they knew all,
saw all. I had mentioned out loud to the people I was with before she
came about , about new technology and the possibility of
what they can do now days, plus my left eye was starting to bug me, it
felt like there was a vary faint tingling in it. A few days after my
encounter with her, I said something else out loud"as a test" and there
she was again around the corner, and made some more threats. When this
happened I again felt some slight activity in my eye. My mind was
flying, piecing things together. I thought that mabye theres some
organisation with a high level of technology. Mabye they "took me" while
I was sleeping, kept me asleep, with crynogentics, froze part of my
tissue, took out the eye, operated, and placed something in the pupil,
used the actual nerves in my eye (body), singled out a single nerve,
used it for the transmitting of their device.That way there is no real
foriegn material for my body to reject, and the "tickle" irritant I felt
was whenever they were" looking" through my eye. Anyways I was
considering what to do, whether I should wear an eye patch for the rest
of my life or what. Then I decided later on to take a cruise and was
onboard a big white cruise ship. I was up with the captain in the
"steering" part of the ship. I carried a long conversation with him, and
asked him what was the optimal speed of the craft.(I was wondering if
the ship was capable of travelling six hundred miles an hour((I know
this is inconcievable, it was just a dream)) what was the best speed for
cruising, that saves gas,and other things.) He said well right now we
are going 400. I said um, yeah I know but whats the " best" or optimal
speed? He said well we are travelling 400 at the moment. I said no, what
speed is best for the engine, and he said, our engines aren't on at the
moment, we are just cruising.I said what? He said we use our engines to
get to the desired speed, and then are able to shut them off and cruise
on the energy absorbed by the sun.We can stay at this rate for as long
as we wish."
I didn't see any solar collecters when I boared, and was wondering how
they could do this. A shorter man who was with us said" yes its
incredible what this is, actual free energy, for as long as we wish" I
said " how does it work? I didn't see any collectors, and they both
said" we aren't allowed to say." It was at this moment I linked it up to
this secret organisation. This new technology was being placed in the "
real, commercial" world without the publics knowing. That way they can
monopolise the technology, and still charge people, even the energy used
to power is free. So I tried to get more info and asked the shorter man
if it ran at night. He said because of heat energy? I said yes, and he
said" I don't know." They weren't going to tell me anything else.
I thought that somehow they were able to use the surface of the ship,
and were able to absorb and use the suns energy directly from the "skin"
of the ship. Hey, thats how life works, so why not?

Take Care,