Re: Seeking Numerology

Gerald O'Docharty ( (no email) )
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 19:59:30 -0400

Hi Michael!
What you are referring to about nine numbers is due a technique of
adding the numerals in a process known as 'Theosophical Addition'. You
repeatedly add the digits of any number until there is only one digit
left. For example, take the number 123456789. The first sum is 45. Add
again and the sum is 9. The purpose of reducing a number in this way is
to reveal its 'intrinsic character'. In the Western mystical tradition
the numbers 1 through 9 are considered to have a character each of their
own. They are more than just a quantity, they represent a thing in
themselves. The number zero is not considered to be real since there is
no zero in nature, only integral numbers and fractional numbers. As far
as number of colors go, of course there are more than six or seven.
There could be as many colors as there are frequencies in the bandwidth
of light radiant energy, and then harmonies of those. It really depends
on how you define 'Color' since color is a subjective realization of the
observer rather than an actuality in itself.

-Gerald O'

michael olson wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've become seriously interested in numerology latley. Does anyone have
> any info on why in numerology the numbers only go up to nine? There are
> seven colors of the spectrum, seven notes on a scale, why nine numbers?
> And speaking of the spectrum I heard from a science student years ago
> that there weren't really seven colors, but six. Newton picked seven out
> of a theory, and because he was an alchemist. Any truth to this? The
> seventh being indigo I believe.
> Later,
> Michael