Re: Prototype KeelyNet Chat @ escribe

Fred Epps ( (no email) )
Wed, 10 Jun 98 17:53:24 PDT

Hi Jerry and all!

> That's a good idea about having a time or even a day devoted to one
> topic for the chat group, this would let people know when the subject
> was up for discussion...but the time sounds more logical because people
> will know a 'window' for that discussion........hmm...might be
> neat....maybe even expand a bit to weirdness..could get escribe to post
> a short menu of what days which subject would be talked about....
> How about each day, from say 8PM to 10PM central time, but having a
> different subject for that day??
> Monday = Free Energy
> Tuesday = Gravity Control
> Wednesday = Electronic Health
> Thursday = New Age tech - radionics - pyramids - crystals
> Friday = Time and dimensional stuff
> Saturday and Sunday ???
> So what do you folks think about this?? Would the topics be better on
> other days?? It's easy enough to setup, would let everyone know WHEN to
> sign on to get in on the discussions and it's a great idea, thanks Fred!

Glad you like it Jerry! I think the times and schedules are fine, after all
no matter what schedule you put them on, it will be difficult for someone.
I think it should be OK for the topics to diverge into other areas though,
this is after all conversation, and its often the CONNECTIONS between these
subjects that are the most interesting parts. The idea being that people
will know they can discuss the selected subject that night, but also that
they can bring up somewhat related ones.
> I'm still wanting to have a 'guest speaker' about once a week, where
> everyone could ask them questions...and all the answers and discussions
> would be archived for reference and historical purposes...

Another good idea.
> Depending on the number of participants, you know it can be very crowded
> and confusing with everyone popping questions and comments very rapidly,
> not giving the speaker time to the format would need to
> allow for a moderator to field the questions, put them in order and pass
> them to the speaker who would answer to the chat effectively,
> each chat member would see the question posed, then the
> answer......still working on this....

It would be difficult considering the current time rate of the chat room.
Even though it has a 25 sec refresh, I find often that I will make a
statement, get no response for about 5 minutes, then all of a sudden there
are 5-6 comments on the screen related to it, I have been dropped off for
being inactive, and everyone is wondering where I went. For instance I made
some detailed and specific comments about the MRA to Norm Wooten and by the
time I refreshed he had left, a waste of energy...probably should have done
it by email, but he WAS there :-) I don't know if this is my particular
system or something in general. I went to another java-enabled chat room
to compare and things clipped along very fast. These comments are not meant
as criticism of Scott or escribe, but simply a description of the
experience from the other end. I will stick with it nonetheless.
> So folks, let's do something positive with this...what are your ideas
> and suggestions??? For the chat group and for the speaker sessions??

You got mine.. i think this has a lot of potential for developing contacts
between researchers, there's somehow more "personality" coming through than
with email, you feel closer to people. I made one valuable contact last
night. Even one a month makes it worth it.
