Re: Star Trek Causality Paradox

Bob Paddock ( )
Fri, 29 May 1998 18:25:03 -0400

>My question:
>"When has anyone ever observed that there has ever been any more than
>exactly ONE time?"
>My own perception of time is very different. I submit that there is only
>one time, and that time is now.
>Sure, we have a memory of a former state of this "now" moment, but this
>"memory" is hardly more than a chemical arrangement in our brains in the
>present time. The notion of a "past" somehow still existing as it was is
>just an illusion, albeit a materially useful one. In reality, our
>remembered "past" and latent "future" exist only in the present.

Look at some case studies of Autistic Sa'vonts [See the
movie Rain Man]. Some of them clearly operate in a different
"time" for example perceive time flowing backwards from us
"normal" people. To perceive time flowing backwards you
need to have a clear recollection of the future.

Is time linear?

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