Poetry in Motion?

Chroni Apolloni ( chroniapolloni@yahoo.com )
Fri, 29 May 1998 10:24:39 -0700 (PDT)


Please forgive my lack of a proper title, in fact my head is filling
already with jargon names for something I don't know the technical
term for... and the very evening I tried to build one, and failed
miserably, I witnessed the most irridescent sunset in my life, the
view congested by the dark black of numerous powerlines. I have never
felt so much like an insect in a spider's web waiting for my very
"inhaltstoffes" to be liquified by venom and sucked from my person...

I am thinking of a siphon device which can raise water from a lower to
a higher level. I have never heard of one. I am thinking it is easy to
make a demonstration from a flexible soda straw, bent at an angle,
ending up so that the short section is pointing roughly straight down,
and the long section is pointed down but largely straight out, ending
somewhat higher that the intake of the lower part.

The idea I think, is that the cumulative pull of the weight in the
long part is sufficient to accomplish this "forbidden" task, and when
gravity is allowed to return the lifted water to it's original level,
work=energy may be extracted from it.

Of course I'm frustrated because I'm having a bit of a time with the
paper mache and the waterproofing to make two adjacent pools to
situate such a siphon, even though I am already envisioning ladders
made of these, and hoping such a device will revolutionize
hydroelectricity, or at least power up garden fountains... and I
realize in the long run it may take relatively precise regulation of
the flow to keep it going indefinitely...

So I am wondering if I am just imagining things, or if anyone would
like to either try this or give me some input from the benefit of a
real grasp of physics to tell me if I'm merely chasing rainbows.
Certainly won't warrant a perpetual motion patent, because the straw
will eventually erode :-), but...

All I know for certain is that no matter how glowing Tom Bearden's
mission statements are, I fancy it hard to find a repairman who will
bother to grasp degenerate semiconductors on behalf of those to whom
he would express his benevolence, but I Do giggle when I see the
drawing of a water device in Pagel's "Cosmic Code" that is Supposed to
illustrate why you can't get something for nothing, I Know better than
That anyway...

Best regards,

Chroni Apolloni

"An anarchist is anyone who doesn't need a cop to tell him what to
do"-- Utah Phillips and Ani Di Franco, "Anarchy", from "The Past
Didn't Go Anywhere"

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